Prologue II

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"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."

J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Adrian Black

The fresh air of reality caressed my face as I exited the building I had been living in. The valet stood in front of me, his face morphed into one of fear. I snatched the keys from him and pushed my luggage into his hands.

After barking 'Put this is the trunk ', I was finally off to the airport. I was leaving my city after five years and returning to my home town. To say I was dreading it would be an understatement.

My family always thought I was the 'dry kid'. The one that lacked any sort of imagination and would rather watch the news over silly cartoon shows.

I mean, why wouldn't I? Cartoon shows just carried you into a world that didn't exist. Why waste your time over something like that? So I preferred to learn about the world that we lived in rather than the one that could only exist in your wildest imagination.

Every girl that I liked thought of me as boring and grumpy, but they always stayed for the sex. Just Sex and money. They weren't any better than the one night stands that I now preferred. Those women just liked to boast about sleeping with me. Sleeping with the millionaire.

It sucked at first, but I got over it when I realised that I wasn't going to ever get anything else apart from the boring yet satisfying platonic relationships. Even my mother had given up on finding me a girl, which is literally the only good thing about the situation. No matchmaking.

My looks lured many girls over to me, they called me 'Sex on the legs' behind my back. What a ridiculous nickname, and they call me dry.

I'm not one to live in fantasies. I have long before excepted that fantasies gave you nothing. You had to except the reality and move on with it. That's what I planned to do.

Yet fate never listens to what is supposed to be heard, it has to twist things up a little. Doesn't it?

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