Chapter 1 The move

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Chap 1-The move

"My little babygirl is growing up"

Mom shouted while pinching my cheek.

"Mom don't, we're in the middle Of the airport, don't shout!"

I hissed at her while narrowing My eyes.

"But i'll miss you" i continued.

"Aww babygirl i'll miss you so so much"

She was about to cry so i said

"Mom, the airplane is leaving without me soon, i have to go!"

She pulled me in for one last hug and stroked my long golden hair.

My dad always told me that i should cut it, but i refused, i liked it long.

She pulled away and smiled. I smiled back and started to walk to the gate when She shouted "DON'T COME HOME PREGNANT BABYGIRL"

And That's ladies and gentlemen when My face turned as red as a tomato. I just ignored her and kept walking to the gate.

The trip felt rather short, but That's probably because i slept the whole flight.

I arrived at the AirPort in London at 13:30 and started to head towards a cab.

The cab ride to My new home was beautiful! London is such a nice place! All the trees and all the people. When i arrived at the house my jaw dropped, it freaking dropped beacuse Of the house right in front Of me, no scratch that, the manison. It was huge and white, and i just Loves it! It had a nice garden with lots Of flowers. And in the middle there was a path thingy up to the house door.

"Oh, TOM, TOM, SHE'S HERE" someone shouted from the door. And when i looked up i saw a beautiful woman. I guess That's my new "mom". And short after a man arrived behind her. and he looked nice with a black costume and the woman had a nice red dress. They smiled at me and i just stood there, frozen on the spot and stared at the house.

"Come in, darling" the woman said, and i smiled and took my bags from the cab and payed the driver.

I walked down tje path and the woman came rushing at me and hugging me tightly. Startled, i hugged her back and smiled, She was so caring and friendly.

"Hello, i'm Cindy" i introduced.

The man hugged me too and said "oh we know who you are dear, i'm Tom and this is my wife Melinda" I smiled at them both and they took my bags. "Thank you" i said and followed them to the house.

When they opened the doors I gasped, this was a freaking CASTLE!!!


Heyyy guys! So i started this New story.. Hope you like it :)

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