Chapter One

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Loop One:

Chapter 1~ The "Lucky" Minecrafters

It was a nice, quiet evening when the letters were sent out. All thirteen new unlucky Minecrafters were chosen to go test a horror map they thought would be interesting. All were excited to go, and all were to leave in groups.

It was said that no Minecrafter from this horror map was ever found again. But the Minecrafters who got invited three years later thought of the story as just a myth, one of them actually suspicious of.

The first group were to arrive at twelve in the afternoon, and so there they were. A group of five showed up at the masion, one of them feeling unsafe.

"Sweet! We're here!" One of them said, a young man who had light brown hair and blue eyes.

"A-are you's safe? D-don't you remember t-the story of how some M-Minecrafters never came back out?"Another asked, a young man with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Oh, quit your whining! We're here to have fun, Garroth!"A girl said.

"B-but I'm not w-whining..."

A young man with blue hair and blue eyes was the quietest of the group, and looked up at the looming mansion. He smiled and put a hand to Garroth's shoulder.

"It'll be fine, buddy! It's just a horror map! We're here for you!"

"Th-thanks, Dante..."Garroth said.

"Ha...don't be a wimp!"Another girl said, playfully punching Garroth on the arm. She had light blue hair and blue eyes.

The group walked in, getting met with three hallways. The one with light brown hair looked around, feeling as if he had been there before. But then he shrugged it off as the first girl caught the group's attention.

"Okay! Looks like we're splitting up!"

"I'll go with Aph!"the brunette and blonde cried out.

The other girl rolled her eyes.
"I say, I go with Garroth!"Dante said, grabbing the blonde's arm.

"How bout we 'rock,paper, scissors' it?"the brunette suggested, putting his hands out.

"Rock, paper, scissors!"

"C'mon Katelyn!"Aphmau had grabbed Katelyn's arm and ran down the left hallway while the guys weren't looking.

"Oh, come on!"Garroth said.

Dante grabbed Garroth's arm and ran off down the middle hallway, which left the brunette the one to go down the right. So he did just that with a sigh.

The brunette walked down the hallway, getting a creepy feeling that he was being watched. The brunette walked down to the first door. It was locked. A crash made the brunette jump, and he looked down the hall to see a door open.

'I guess that's where I go...'

The brunette walked down into the room. It looked like a normal room. It had a kitchen in the back, a plate shard on the ground.

'That must've been the crash...'

The brunette walked over, and quickly saw something shiny. He walked over to it and picked it up. It was a key.


The brunette inspected the key and saw a tag on it. The tag read 'Enchantment Room'. The brunette quickly dropped the key and cried out in pain. He gasped as images flashed before his eyes.

Minecrafters had found the mansion, and swiflty as the brunette picked up and dropped the key, he saw each and every one of their deaths. At the end, the enchantment room showed. The room he tried to open. Then everything wasn't white anymore. The brunette blinked and looked around. He was back in that room.

The brunette walked out of the room and walked to the enchantment room. He unlocked it and walked inside, seeing an image of a boy on the floor that looked dead, and the room was a complete mess. The image flashed too quickly in the brunette's sight, so he couldn't really tell who that was.

The brunette shook his head and looked around. Maybe he didn't get enough sleep. Maybe he was dreaming. The brunette liked the second option. He really started to not like this place at all.


A voice called to him, almost a ghost-like echo. The brunette whipped around. No one was there. Come to think of it, Laurance didn't recognize that voice at all!

Maybe he didn't get enough sleep. Yeah! And he is just loosing it. Laurance frowned. He really liked the sleep idea better. Maybe he'll wake up soon. But nothing happened, so Laurance went on with it.

Come to think of it, it was a horror map. Laurance had never been in one before, other than a haunted house, but he was more spooked than that.

Laurance just thought of the voice as part of the map itself. Just a little spook to begin with.

Laurance walked around more, inspecting the books, not really sure on what he was searching for.


Laurance whipped around again, noticing he was at the end of the room. He caught sight of a book on the table, and so he walked up to it.

Open it

Just as the voice whispered the order, Laurance opened it just as fast. He flipped to a page, one of a riddle on it.

'The clock strikes one, one goes down. The clock strikes two, one goes down. So on, so forth. But once the clock strikes twelve, another one falls. The clock can stike one again, but the loop has restarted and all shall fall again. One is left alive each time. That is, unless the clock is broken.'

Laurance stared confusingly at the riddle. He soon felt a strong presence with him, but no one was there except him.

Laurance then flipped through more of the book, finding notes and random thoughts written down. He soon flipped to a page with words he couldn't understand, and a clock drawn in it. Soon, he found a page that spooked him. It had some rules and a name signed at the bottom, almost childish and purple.

"What the....?"

Laurance kept flipping through the book, finding two pages next to each other just full of words that didn't make sense to the man at all.

'GAME OVER' and 'NO MORE' was written in all sizes to fit both pages. It spooked Laurance out and left him mesmerized.

'He will come and kill you all. There's no stopping it. No turning back. I am here to help. Keep that book on you at all costs... I'm sorry, Laurance... '

A light yellow glow illuminated in front of Laurance. He looked up to see something he was least expecting.

"GAH!" He jumped back, almost falling. The figure then formed into a person.

The Minecrafter wore a gray and red checkered shirt, as well as an undershirt. He also wore big, nerdy glasses and had brown hair.

"Wh-who are you?!" Laurance asked.

The person gave a small smile.

"I am one of the Minecrafters that got trapped here. My name is Tyler."

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