Chapter Two

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Loop One:

Chapter 2~Attacked

A group of four had walked up to the mansion, all getting invited at the same time. The group consisted of two girls and two boys. The group walked up to the gate and looked beyond it at the big, luminous mansion.

"I guess this is it..."one of the guys said. He wore a red jacket and no shirt under. He had black hair and eyes and looked buff.

"Hmmm. Are you sure, Aaron-Kun? It looks like a decent mansion to Kawaii-Chan!" A girl with pink hair and cat features said.

"Yeah..I'm sure..the map leads right here..."Aaron said, looking down at the letter he brought with him. He had a bad feeling about this, and he didn't like it at all.

"Last one in is a rotten egg!'the other guy said, running in. He had white hair and green eyes.

The other three walked in, Kawaii-Chan being the last.

"Hey! No fair, Travis-Kun! You got a head start!Humph!"Kawaii-Chan pouted.

"Oh, cheer up, Kawaii-Chan! Just be glad we're here!"the other girl said. She had red and orange hair and wore a green dress.

"I guess..."Kawaii~Chan said gloomly.

"Looks like a horror map to me!"Travis said, looking around.

"It sure does..."Aaron said, putting his hands in his pockets, also looking around.

"Hey! What are you guys doing here?"

The group looked down the middle hallway and Garroth and Dante appeared.

"What are you doing here?"Aaron asked, confused as well.

"We all got invited to this horror map!"Dante said.

"Oh? We did too!"Cadenza said.

"Guys?"Kawaii-Chan said in fear, looking down at the floor.

Everyone looked down, and where there feet was supposed to be, was a neon purple fog.

"OH MY GOD!"Cadenza screamed.

A big enderman-like creature stood, blocking the right hallway. The hallway where Laurance was still down. Aphmau and Katelyn showed up, and Aaron got into a fighting position.

"Everyone stay back!"Aaron said.

The enderman creature titled its head, then licked its lips and smirked. It swiped at Aaron with a big purplish black claw. Aaron dodged it quickly and everyone stepped back, trembling. Garroth, Dante and Travis got into the fight, helping Aaron.

"Ha! It's weakening!"Dante call out with a smile.

"DANTE LOOK OUT!"Aphmau screamed.

Dante wasn't paying attention as the enderman creature swung at him. He didn't react in time, and got hit, flying into the wall near the door. Kawaii-Chan tried opening the door, but it wouldn't budge.

"The door won't open!"Kawaii-Chan called out in fear, almost in tears.

Katelyn tried punching the door down, but that didn't work either.

"What the hell is this thing?!"Garroth growled.


"Wh-what?"Laurance asked.

Tyler sighed."Look. That..."he pointed at the book in Laurance's hand."is my book. You have to keep that on you at all times...this place is not that safe. I didn't know that damn Enderoni was going to trap more...but now here you are...."

"E-Enderoni?"Laurance asked.

"'s a monster here...big enderman creature...and he is dangerous..."

"Well. How do we get out?! I thought this was just a horor map!"Laurance said.

" were wrong, I can't escape,"Tyler said, scratching the back of his head.


"..yeah...he won't let you until he's had his fun..."Tyler said.

" were the one in here almost dead?"Laurance asked. Tyler nodded.


"...were you the one who showed me..."

"Yeah...I'll accompany you,"Tyler replied.

"....are you...dead, Tyler?"Laurance asked.

"Heh... I wish...I just came from the past...stuck in a loop right now...I came to help you through this. I don't know what the Enderoni would do to you guys, though, so..."Tyler paused, looking shocked at the door.

"Your friends are in trouble. Come on. "

Laurance couldn't ask Tyler what was going on. He faded away too quickly. Laurance ran out the enchantment room to see everyone in the hallway, a big enderman creature attacking them.

"Enderoni...."Tyler said in the air.

Larance looked over by the front door and saw Dante passed out.

"D-Dante!"Laraunce called out. No one heard him.

The Enderoni lashed out at Travis.

"Use the spell!"Tyler barked.

Laurance looked down at the book and went to the spell. It was readable. He read the words and felt a rush of energy surge through him.

"Put your hand out."

Laurance put his hand out, and a light green light appeared in his hand.

"Whoa..."Laurance was amazed he could do that.

"Now shoot!"

"Get out the of the way!" Laurance screamed. The orb of light shot out of his hands and hit the Enderoni. It growled in pain and turned around to see Laurance.


"Oh God..."Tyler said, still invisible. "Hit it again!"

Laurance chanted the spell again. The others took the Oni's attention. It growled in frustration and then finally disappeared out of sight, leaving the group scared and tired.

"What the hell was that?!"Aaron asked.

"The Enderoni,"Laurance replied. Everyone looked at him.

"Enderoni?"Garroth asked.

"Yup."Laurance said.

"How'd you know?"Travis asked, panting.

"Read about it...that's why I was gone so long..."

"Then how come you didn't hear the noise?!"Katelyn asked, a little unbelievable.

"....kinda got lost in it, I guess...."Laurance said with a shrug.

"And how did you do that with the magic?!"Cadenza asked.

"Yeah! Kawaii-Chan didn't know Laurance-Kun had magic!"Kawaii-Chan said.

"I honestly don't know..." That was actually true. Laurance didn't know he could do magic.

"Well, whatever just happened, I don't want it to happen again,"Aphmau said.

"We need to help Dante!"Cadenza said.

Aaron and Garroth picked up Dante and they went to the enchantment room.

"I thought this was a horror map! Not a trap for us to get killed!" Aaron said, obviously pissed off.

"Hey Laurance."

"What is it, Tyler?"

"There's a safe room upstairs. You should get there before the Enderoni comes back,"Tyler said.

"Well. We're safe for now,"Aphmau said.

"Hey guys. We should find a safer place to rest Dante,"Laurance said.

"I agree,"Garroth said.

Lead the way, Tyler

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