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Okay so this is Amanda and Sadie writing this for my Ashley
Ashley is having a baby boy!!!
Ash, u are going to be a great mom, no matter how bad ur mom is, ur nothing like her, u love kids a lot it and u do know how to take care of them. I see how much u love Nessa and how u play with her. Ur ready to be a mom, and Ethan is ready to be a dad, I'm ready to be an aunt and gray is ready to be a uncle to the beautiful boy. I love u ash u will do great u and Ethan both will bye love u guys! -Amanda

Hey Ashhy boo, it's great ur having a baby boy. U are gonna be a great mom because of hiw much u love kids. U always wanted a boyfriend (or hubby) and a baby. And guess what? U have that. U got ur perfect fairy tale life ash. We all love u and we will help with the baby if u want cuz u know we will always be here. Ethan is gonna be the best dad because he's excited that u guys are gonna have a kid together so excited. Gray is ready to be a good Uncle to the baby boy. And Amanda is ready to spoil him rotten *laughs* well that's it boo love u and I guess my soon to be cousin Ethan I luv u also ig bye -Sadie
You are due any time soon and were glad that ur gonna be a mom and that the little boy is gonna be apart of this world and our family. Ethan's family too. Haha well bye ash we love u so we made this book baby shower for u! -Amanda and Sadie

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