~•~ oohh

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RandomPeoplez Kaden look at my book dude .... hehe um and comment on my last chapter... NOW *laughs* come on dude!!
Papi_x_Mami Ethan my lovely Fiancée Talk to me >.< And I need to meet some of ur friends, so maybe I can be their friend too!! And Gray my nugget and bro *giggles* we need to all go out somewhere and have a family time k? And that's a funny name ... Nugget *laughs* jk u know i love u and Ethan I love u also k? Otay
RandomPeoplez Alex, Carter and Landon haha well Ik this is kinda awkward cuz I never talked to u guys but oh well, Alex, Max loves u soooo much. He can't live without his lil family circle haha but treat him good cuz he is like my bro (and ur like my sis, plus ur dad already considers me as his son -Max) . Carter, Mark may have told u about me and how I'm a brat. We weren't friends and all but now he apologized we're friends but idk if I can forgive him on what he said to me. Treat him good cuz hes a nice kid:) hehe. (I aint no kid I'm a man! -Mark) he's no man! Hehe Landon, I know u need a breather, idc tho imma speak hehe well Amanda loves u with all her heart, I can tell because she won't shut up about u. She can't go without u but she said u can leave if u want as long as ur happy then she'll be happy. Vanessa is really happy ur her dad. They love u with everything they got. Talk to her please, she really wants to get past this fight. And plz treat her right shes like my sis (haha yeah I guess I am -Amanda)

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