Chapter One

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The reporters daunting words lace my thoughts.

"For anyone still alive in Bedford, Virginia we highly recommend you stay indoors. Do not leave your house and make sure to keep your doors and windows locked. Do not make any contact with the infected. If you get scratched or bit, chances are you will not survive. Seek medical attention immediately. It will start as a regular wound, but once time, your body will shut down. After a few hours your body will start back up again, but when you get up you are one of them, and that's how the disease spreads. If in any case one of the infected gets close to you, try to damage it's head. When you destroy the brain it's body becomes inactive."

I look out my bedroom window and there are the infected, stumbling around acting like they own the world. I see an old man run out into a herd of them. He tries to run back but the infected run faster than him. He goes down and they tear him apart piece by piece. Blood splatters everywhere and the infected bathe in it.

I hear children crying for there parents and I see them trying to use there feet to kick away the monsters.
It's useless.
The infected pounce on them like a cat does a mouse, and in a matter of seconds, the infected walk away leaving the scraps of bones.

One of them notices me and starts to head towards my window. I quickly shut the curtain.

This can't be real.

I look down at my arm and pinch it as hard as I can, but I don't escape from the nightmare. I'm still stuck in the same reality as before.

Wake up Cass wake up.

There is a loud bang at the front door followed by a groan.

No, no, no, no, no, this is not happening

I look through the peephole.

It's one of them.

It has grey skin and blood splattered all over it's clothes. It has a white coating over its eyes and a type of brain matter is leaking from its head, trying to free itself. It's eye is dangling down from it's socket and dried blood is stuck underneath it's fingernails.

We make eye contact.

It sees me.

It shrieks and starts to scratch at the door, trying to get in.

I run away from the door and go into my dads bedroom. He keeps a few guns in his closet that he thinks no one knows about. I grab one of them clueless about how to use it and stick it in my back pocket. My dad went out to get some groceries and he hasn't come back.

He would be back by now.

I go into my bedroom and get a backpack out of my closet. I grab some bandages, peroxide, toilet paper, clothes, canned food and a few bottles of water. The things that people always pack in the movies.
I shove them deep into my backpack and zip it closed. I go back into my dads bedroom to see what else he has in his closet. I see a rope and just some shoes along with his clothes. I take the rope knowing that i'll need it. I unzip my backpack and shove it in there with the rest of my things.

I head towards the kitchen and climb up onto the counter. I open a cabinet where my dad keeps all my electronics when I'm grounded.

He thinks I didn't know about that either.
I see my phone and I grab it and dial my dads number.

He picks up.

"Cass?" "Yes, dad its me, where the heck are you?" "Thank God you're okay. Cass I'm in the food market but don't worry about that. I need you to listen to me baby, okay." "Okay." "Good. I need you to stay in the house as long as you can. Keep the lights off and fill up the bathtub and sinks with water. Make sure all the windows and doors are locked. Bar them with the wood and nails in the garage. There is a hammer right next to the weights.

You should have enough food to last you a while. The extra car key is in a drawer in the kitchen. If you need to get away I want you to take the car. Remember what I taught you and I love you."

"Wait! Dad!"

The line ended

"I love you too."

I start to cry uncontrollably. Hundreds of tears roll down my face every second.

I just want to end this right now.

I take the gun out of my pocket, point it at my head, and put my finger on the trigger.......

Authors Note -
I just wanted to let you guys know that I really appreciate you reading my stories. I definitely know I am not the greatest writer in the world and my ideas aren't perfect but I do know that you guys are amazing. I will try my hardest to at least write a chapter everyday for both of my books.
It would make my day if you voted on my stories and don't forget to comment!!!

Happy Reading,

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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