Red Velvet Burgers

797 26 96

Probably_Aph_Spain for you papi!

"Yo." America basically screamed, bouncing into the room, and disturbing Matt, who was just trying to read a novel.

"Shut your fucking mouth before I punch it." Matt said silently, but loud enough for Alfred to hear him still.

"Dude you don't have to be so mean." He, Alfred, sat on the other side of the table Matt was reading at. Matt grunted, not really up for whatever dumbasses came to continually bother him with. Then again when is anyone?

"What do you want, eh?" Matt asks, without looking up.

"A GAME-" Alfred yelled.


"Aw why not, man?"

"Because." He pouts.

"That's not a real excuse! Come on Matt! Mattrix? Mattress? Matt the Mattriz Mattress?" Matt's eye twitched with every new nickname.

After several more horrid names Matt raised his head, closed his book, and propped his reading glasses on his head.

"Alright dip-shit, what is it." Matt said rubbing his face tiredly.

"WELL!" Alfred started happily. "It's Connect Four."

Que the face palm.



"Just fucking pick a spot."

"Wait- wait man; don't rush me!"

The two men were now playing the game America had brought. There were many obvious spots to pick but Alfred was taking his time with the game as if everything mattered.

As of the moment there was two spots Alfred could possibly go to, meaning a win either way in time, but he liked to messing with Matt anywhore.

"Here. Now it's your turn Matt!" Alfred said.

Matt, who was secretly getting into the game, just picked up a black piece and put it into one of the slots, stopping a line of three red chips.

"Go." He grumbled.

America grinned devilishly as he plopped one of his own coloured circles into a slot unhesitatingly. "Four-in-a-Row."

"Wait what?" Matt said looking for the winning line.

"Right here o' boy!" Alfred pointed to the line from Matt's side. "Henhen I win."

Matt was mad.

Matt was really mad.

Matt is also a sore loser sometimes.

That's why to table was on the ground, black and red chips everywhere.

"Dude! It's just a game!" America almost screamed terrified.


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