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Italics- flashback or look of the past.
Bold Italics- memories inside the memories (remembering something inside a past point of view)
Normal- present day

Bella's POV
The 2 pieces of scrunched up paper were clinging onto my trucks wheel like there was no tomorrow. The paper disappeared into a skin tone colour further up my arm until they came in contact with the tunnel called the sleeves of my coat. I could feel something was seriously wrong. I can just...feel it...

I arrived at my house and pulled my rust old Red Chevy truck into the driveway and standing by my house in all of his glory was Edward Cullen. A 109 year old vampire and my boyfriend. The events of my birthday last night rushed through my mind.

"Shoot." I mumbled when the paper sliced my finger open. All it took was one tiny drop of blood to ooze from my finger before I was being pushed back. The throw was so hard you could have thrown me all the way back to the Second World War. I landed on something made from glass and I felt the shards stick into my open cut on my upper arm. I could feel the shards moving around in the cut and I saw Carlisle by my side in a minute.

I looked up and saw then Jasper, with eyes as black as the night, being held back by all the other coven members but Esme. She was standing by he wall in fear. Alice had her hand on Jaspers cheek trying to calm him. Emmett had him from behind and Edward has his back to me. Rosalie, of course, did nothing but stand far from the action and glare at me.  Carlisle took me to his office and I couldn't help but feel horrible for the whole thing.

I stepped out of my truck slamming the door behind me. I walked up to Edward.

"Come take a walk with me." The first six words that were leading me to my doom. I nodded and followed him further and further away form the house until he stopped in his tracks and turned to face me. The feeling that was telling my something was wrong was almost boiling over the brim. Edward had something to do with it I could tell. "Bella, we're leaving. Carlisle's supposed to be 5 years older than he looks. People are starting to notice." Right...nope, that's not it.

"Okay, I've got to think of something to say to Charlie." I look up and see the look on his face "when you say 'we'..."

"I mean my family and myself." And here it is! The bombshell that just blew up in my face. He couldn't even look me in the eyes and tell me like a descent person. Nope. He avoids eye contact before kissing my forehead and running off like a coward.

I walk and walk and walk until I collapse on the ground. And that's where my story ends.

And my story begins.

Of course he wouldn't want me. I'm human. Nothing but. I bet you he wants a more exciting person than me. I curl up in a tight ball tucking my knees into my chest and burying my head in them and started to cry my eyes out. I don't remember how long I've been sat here crying but I started to hear my name being called. I couldn't answer. No matter how hard I tried I just...couldn't.

I heard 2 hurried footsteps come from in front of me. Inhuman running and yet I couldn't move.

"Bella..." A males voice floated in my direction. His voice had a familiar foreign, French accent. I could never forget it. I thought he went to go live with the Denali's? Obviously not...well the diet probably didn't suit him. I didn't answer to his call of my name. I felt someone's hand on my knee, the hand was freezing cold. Inhuman cold.

Vampire cold.

"Bella?" the voice...all too familiar. I know who it is and I don't need to look up to know. Vampire, red head, the one who's had it in for me, Victoria. I look up in terror and my eyes meet with her blood red irises. She saw my sadness, fear, and of course my tears. She gasped and sat next to me. I bet you she was toying with me but Laurent looked at Victoria. She nodded and he sat himself beside me as well signing in content. Victoria wrapped her arms around my shoulders. "What happened? Why are you alone, Bella?" Her voice had changed from the last time she tried to kill me. She was more concerned now? A softer tone...

Never the less of what I thought their intentions were I slowly slurred out my story crying. I would have the occasional T'sk and gasp from the lethal vampires beside me. Victoria rubbed my arms up and down letting me cry on her. "W-why a-a-are you h-h-here still? You k-know the C-C-C...they...are g-gone..." I hear Laurent chuckle a little.

"Bella, we were coming here to talk to the Cullens..." Lauren's voice faded slightly when he saw me wince at their name. Like I was whipped but was forced to hold in my scream. "...because Victoria knows she made a mistake by trying to kill you. From the story you've just told us, I despise the idea of apologising to those low lives. You however, we owe the biggest apology to ever. We're sorry Bella." Victoria hissed and I froze, she rubbed my arms again.

"I don't know what your apologising for, Laurent. Bella, truly from the bottom of my dead heart I'm so so so sorry! I know sorry can't fix everything but I want to make it up to you. I guess I can relate you now, we both experienced the same pain the loss of a mate. Bella, let me make it up to you. Let me help you, take care of you. Please Isabella let me treat you like a sister." Victoria begged.

I...but I...but...wha...?....Victoria, my bigger sister. Hell, she'd be better at it than Rosalie. But she's going to have to promise..."Victoria, if I let you do this. You have to promise not to leave me like they did." She giggled a happy laugh.

"I wouldn't dare. I'm not a scumbag like them. I'll give you what you always wanted...if you still want it. Do you want to be like us? We'd take you in. Be your family, start a coven or something some where? I don't want to watch my sister wither away..." She looked at me sadly, I can tell when Victoria is lying. She's done it before and she sure as hell isnt lying now. What do I have to live for as a human any more?

"Okay, yes. You can change me but not now. We have to do a few things before hand." They look at me confused "the Volturi need to know this is going to happen they've been on my case since he left. I want to say bye to Charlie before it happens and we need to fake my death." They nodded and smiled.

"By the way, we need to get you a Jean coven crest." I tilted my head to the side.

"Lauren's last name. Laurent Jean. That makes me Victoria Lyissa Jean and you Isabella Marie Swan Jean or Isabella Marie Jean. Up to you." She smiled warmly at me. I don't want to cut all ties to the Swan family, there the bravest family I ever know.

"Isabella Marie Swan Jean. I like it. Bella Marie Swan Jean? No...Izzy Marie Swan Jean. Nah...Iz Marie Swan Jean. I like that one. Okay full name Isabella Marie Swan Jean and my nick name is Iz. How's that?" Laurent helped me up and brushed me off with a brotherly smile.

Laurent Jean; my brother.
Victoria Lyissa Jean; my sister.
Isabella Marie Swan Jean; me.
The Jean Coven. I like it.

Laurent helped me up on his back and I heard Victoria grunt.

"Of course. The big brother has to carry the little sister. I want to be her family too!" I giggled a little at her whining. She reminded me of a little child who didn't get what they wanted for Christmas.

"Next time, Viki. Next time." Lauren's voice soothed her and she smiled at me and him in victory. Hehe, she really is family now. And with that we were off. I clanged onto Laurent for dear life and enjoyed the ride. Viki  kept constantly looking at me with concern, she was checking I was still here. I smiled at her and she flashed her teeth back at me happily. I giggled a little. I wasn't sure where we were going but we came to an abandoned cabin, Laurent carried me in and set em down on the couch.

"Okay, first order of business. Your "death"." Viki sat next to me and we leaned back enjoying the newly lit fire and put our feet up on the coffee table. "How do you want it? Car crash? Disappearance? Animal mauling?" I thought for a while. Animal Mauling? No, too much hassle. Disappearance? No, leaves hope. Car crash? Perfect.

"Car crash. We can make it look like he body rolled into the river and crash my truck. I need a better car anyways. I can run around a lot and leave the place doused in my scent." Viki laughed and swiping her arm around me.

"You are diabolical little miss Iz." I laughed as I layer my head on her shoulder.

"Yup, I know I am big sister." I felt my eyelids droop and Viki start to hum.

"Good night, Iz." She rubbed my arm again. I smiled and signed in content. Im here. I'm where I want to be.

"Good night 'Toria." And with that I lost the battle. The darkness taking over.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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