Chapter 1: The Tale of a Deadman.

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"Long ago, there were these creatures whom roamed the Earth, roamed for centuries. They were called-- The Dr'augers. Ruthless killers that had no mercy and would stop at nothing to kill their prey, no matter how big or small. Except... for one... They called him the Deadman. He was a tall, fairly thin, pale buddy, jet black hair and a ragged hoodie and cut jeans, but dont let his looks be decieving, for he is a Triad-Zodiac, a being of immense power. With a blade of legends, able to cut through anything before it even touches said object. He was a man of legends. As you already know by me saying this, he has long passed.

This, is where you come in. You, Kaliin Grôvskaii, have been wondering why I am telling you this, am I correct?" Said the odd man, beard white and eyes glossy.

"Y-yes." I said cautiously. "Wait... How'd you know?"

The old hag grinned. "Why now, thats my secret, and don't think of me as an old hag. Thats rude"

I look at him in shock. He can read minds?! Quick, think of something loud and annoying(PPAP earrape XD).

The old man lets out an ear piercing screech and falls to the ground. He disintegrates into the sky as a mennacing beast appears from nowhere! Panic has now set, adrenaline is pumping through my veins and, instead of running, I do something unthinkable, I punch the beast, a solid punch square in the jaw. The monster looked at me and started growling, a deep, dark, growl. I was terrified now. I started walking backwards and I stumbled back, falling to the ground. This is it. This is the end of me. And as the beast lunges at me, my first insting is to shield myself...[little pause]... Am i dead? No, im not dead... But it just pounced on me, didn't it? I open my eyes and all I see is light coming from my hand... I-I'm emmiting a light from my hand, and the monster is on the ground, a hole burnt straight through its chest. Excuse my language but, Holy shit, I just killed a fucking huge ass monster with a light from my fucking hand... Again, excuse my language.
Wait... I don't remeber being able to do that... Have I been able to do this my whole life and I just never realized it? Anywho, I Hear people coming up the path behind us, yelling to see if anyone is there.

"Up here!" I shouted back. In a short time they were close, and when the leader poped out he said, "Are you al--(silence)." He was in shock, he darted a look at me, at my hand and, then to the beast.

"D-did you... Do this?..." He said with a scared expression.

"Well... I guess..." I replied sheepishly.

"Come along with me." The man said in a quivery but sturdy voice.

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