Busted Knuckles And Bruises

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// Downtown, broken part of town. Back alley way to the right. Street fight central..... //

"Hit me with your best shot! Come on!" The girl swung left with attempt of an uppercut trying to reach my jaw. I ducked and hit her with my right hand, making connection with a blow to her right cheek. She stuttered back but still had her hands up, ready to defend herself. Another attempt at a blow to my face but dodged as I used my leg to hit the back of her knee, sweeping her off her feet and landing the girl on her back then going straight for the kill until police sirens were heard and everyone bolted. "Let's go!" one of the people in the crowd screamed out as everyone around the center of the fight disappeared except me and the girl that I had pinned. The cops had me surrounded and handcuffed me to the ground as they helped the girl that I had been fighting up right and to a medic. 

// Police Station, downtown. Holding cell.... //

I sat there running my fingers over my busted knuckles. I hadn't looked up in a few minutes as it seemed like time didn't matter to me. I had a lot of thought going through my head and the dead silence cutting through the air was a bit of a comfort to me until a masculine voice broke the silence, "You're lucky that they didn't do any worse to you than girl did..." I had finally look up at the man behind the holding cell bars. "Lucky isn't necessarily what I would call it..." I let out a sigh and looked back down at my hands. "This is the fifth time that they've caught you street fighting Ms. Reed" the man had started pacing back and forth. "This can't become a habit of your's." he said finally stopping in front of the door to the holding cell. "I think it's a little late for that. Don't you think?" I say still looking at my busted knuckles. "We're holding you here for the night. Your aunt and uncle will be able to pick you up in the morning." The man said then walked away from the cell. "Better get comfy then..." I mumble to myself before turning and lying down. I slowly closed my eyes, hoping to dream of something better than this reality and bullshit. My eyes were nearly shut then everything went black. 

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