New Name. New Identity.

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//Abandoned apartment. Middle of Brooklyn, New York.//

I woke up with a killer headache and looked around the empty room. There was a small table and a single chair pushed into the corner with items laying on both of them. I pushed myself onto my elbows then to my hands, sitting up completely. I was on a small mattress on the floor that was dirty. I got on my feet and noticed that I had been stripped down to nothing but my underwear. Slowly, I started walking toward the table and chair to see the items. A note in cursive said "Morning sunshine. You'll find everything you need here on the table and chairs. You are no longer who you were. The ID card should give you a hint. Your mission is to travel to Louisiana. Find a man named Brown and ask for the town's inn. Good luck and DON'T mess up this time. Remember, we're always watching..." I took at look at the ID card on the table next to a small amount of cash. "Savannah Walker..." I said aloud to myself. I grabbed the clothes laid out neatly on the chair and got dressed then proceeded to pack up what was left from the table. I looked down at the shoes left for me. "Really? Heels?" I gave a sigh and put them on then got out of the apartment to go to the nearest subway station. 

//Police Station, few hours after awaking at the apartment...//

"Alright girl. Time to get u-" the officer's eyes widen at the empty holding cell. The grab his radio and called out "We've got a 411. Young adult. Female. Brown hair. About 5'7. Last seen wearing an old beaten down black hoodie and ripped skinny jeans, most likely traveling on foot." The officer then proceeded to the waiting room where Scarlet's family members were waiting. "Mrs. and Mr Reed, it seems that Scarlet has escaped from her holding cell sometime during the night. I have an alert and teams out already looking for her. Is there anywhere you think she may go? Anything that would make her want to run away from home?" Her aunt spoke first. "She's never been the type to run away from home. She tends to get into a lot of fights but never ran away." her voice shook as she told the officer this. "If she were to run away, you could check her old boyfriend's house. His name is Nate Whel. I can give you the address if you have paper and a pen." Her uncle had said. The officer handed her uncle his notepad and pen then watched as he scribbled down an address with a name. 

//Subway Station. Brooklyn, New York. Midday.//

I had finally made it to the subway station and realized where I was. I had to take the subway to the airport and grab a flight to Louisiana but something felt off. I waited for the subway tram to pull in but I had a feeling that someone was watching me from the shadows. I didn't like the feeling and slowly moved to a different location on the tram. An elder lady bumped into me as I was moving towards a new location. "Oops. Sorry miss!" she said and gave me a smile. I returned the smile and gave her a head nod then stuck my hand in the jacket pocket that i was wearing. "What the..." I said as I pulled a piece of paper out of the jacket pocket and carefully unfolded it. The small slip of paper had said "I told you. We're always watching. Stay sharp and be careful who you trust." I looked up from reading it and looked around for that elder lady but she was nowhere in sight. I shifted my weight to my opposite hip. I stared out the window for a while then suddenly the tram got dark. "What the hell. Not this again." I muttered to myself. This time I was ready for a fight and whatever came my way but the lights came on and a little voice appeared in my ear. "Get off at the nearest stop and find the nearest girl's bathroom. Your package will be waiting in the trash can. Let nobody see you." then the voice was gone. About fourty-five minutes had passed to the nearest stop and I had gotten off. It took me about five minutes to find the nearest girl's bathroom but I was careful not to be seen. Something was off as I dug in the trashcan of the empty bathroom and found a package. I looked around then walked to the handicapped stall, locking the door behind me. I opened the package and found something that I thought I would never seen again...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2017 ⏰

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