Ask #10- G

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(I have two important things to say before you read! :D

1) Book two for Ask Papyrus is out!! ^u^

2) Since I knew Gaster would be mentioned eventually, I'll let you guys know what theory I go by now. If you've ever read The Scientist  by Talkingsoup, that basically sums up my beliefs.

And if you haven't read it, go find it on Archive of Our Own because that book is amazing I swear xD)

SepticSand: I know I asked a question before but, who's G?? If you don't mind me asking

Also, Sans, did you know that laziness can give you ninja skills?

G ? well... I don't really remember much about him now... it's all kinda faded...

everyone already knows him to be the old "royal scientist", and i guess that's all he'll ever be known for, but not to me. i know i knew him a lot better than that... i mean...

let's just say i don't have an unfinished PhD, and a love for everything that's science for no reason.


and of course i knew that.

why do you think i can teleport? ;D

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