Chapter 5-Beatrice

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I wish I didn't have to love him. I wish I didn't have to marry him. I wish he was good. So he didn't have to die.
Unfortunately boys are stupid when they have power, and Shadow is walking right into his grave right now. He's going to New York because he "claims" to the public that the terrorists and his missing solider have moved to that area, and he'll try everything in his power to protect the world. He's really going to his nearby base because he knows Justine won't surrender, and he'll kidnap them and kill Siana and Holly.
We tried to take a portal to the base but it got intercepted by another portal. All I saw was a blur of gold, Shadow wanted to go after the blur but then it was gone, and we ended up in the Montana base. Now we're taking one of his really fast trains back to New York.
So that's the story right now, for me I'm in the back of the train in a beautiful decorated room with a giant window seat so I'm watching as it goes by.
I watch as all the trees and sky go by as we head closer to where either my friends will die, or my fiancé. My favorite part was when we came across a big lake that stretched on for what looked like forever. I sigh, in my mind there's a debate going on in my head.
Maybe this was the wrong decision. They are my friends after all...
They were your friends. They left you alone and didn't believe in your feelings. You made the right choice.
I let the two voices go on in my head for a while, while I just ignore my thoughts. I hear the doors and I think it's one of his servants.
"Come back when the ride's over" I say I'm a scornful voice.
"Hm. Nice way to treat your husband" a voice says. I turn around and know exactly who it is.
"Didn't know it was you" I say to him not bothering to turn around. He walks up to the seat and sits next to me. I quickly glance at him and he's not in his usual kingly outfits.
He's wearing a tight black shirt showing off his muscles, I see his veins popping out like he's been working. He also wearing baggy pants that end at his knees. He's covered in sweat and definitely looks like he's been working.
"What happened to you?" I ask now paying attention to him.
"Training." He says blankly, must still be tired.
"This train has a training room?" I ask. This train must be bigger than I thought.
"Yeah, I have to train anytime I can right now. Because I have to defeat your friends" he says.
Anger boils up inside me.
"Don't call them my friends. If I hear that word again-" I say gripping the window sill.
"Okay. I just came in head to ask my fiancé when our wedding should be" He says.
"I don't care" I say.
"That's my girl that I love. I was thinking next Sunday" he says.
"Okay, works for me" I say.
"Good." He says blankly again but soon turns flirty. He softly takes my hand, his sweaty palms in my cold hands.
"I really did mean it when I said I loved you. That's why I proposed so early, I couldn't wait any longer" he says and it sounds like he really means it.
"And I love you too, but you should really put your plans first" I say.
"Why? We're getting married, it's one of the most important parts in our lives" he says.
"But I don't want you to get killed" I say.
"I'm not going to get killed. I'm more powerful than all of those 3 together" he says. I know that part is true. He took over the flipping world!!
I nod but I still want him to do what I want. So he won't have to die. That's when suddenly I feel really weird, black spots start appearing in my vision and I collapse onto the floor starting to go lights out.
I can hear Shadow start to go into panic, he rushes to the floor and starts shaking me.
"Beatrice?! Wake up! Ah damnit" he says before rushing off probably to find some nurses or doctors.
I wake up in a weird hallucination. I'm in a room with purple/blackish walls. I get up and look around there's nobody here until I see two figures standing there. Siana and Holly.
"Where am I?!" I say.
"Woh Beatrice calm down, we're just a messaging your through your mind. We're not actually here with you" Siana says.
"What do you want!?" I say.
"We have to convince you to abandon Shadow" Holly says.
"Then leave because that'll never happen" I say.
"We thought you'd say that, and that's why we chose to message you through your mind." Holly says. Suddenly I disappear out of the purple room and suddenly I'm outside of a school bus. I look around and I see a version of Shadow as a teenager and another me standing there.
"Uh, oh" The other me says .
"There now we can be alone" Shadow says.
"What's going on?!" She say freaked out.
"Beatrice, I wanted you to know who I really am" he says, he snaps and guards run out and pull back her wrists keeping her from moving.
He backs up, and shadow's rise from the ground forming around him after they disappear there's the regular Shadow I know.
"Shadow?!" She says scared.
He does an evil smirk, and says "You catch on fast Beatrice, now you'll be coming back with me".
She gulps. This isn't a vision, this's a memory.
"But just to make sure you don't escape like my other girlfriend did..." he says. He holds up his right hand, shadows come flying out going through the ground and forming around the other me. When it's finished she's trapped in this tiny dark oval. She pound on the walls of the oval. This's when Shadow was my enemy, this memory must be twisted or something because here he's giving me no mercy.
She screams for help, trying to think of a way to help herself out of this trap.
"Don't even think about it, the only people who can hear you is me" he says.
"Wrong again Shadow" a voice says. I turn to see Justine in the vision and then all goes to a blur again and reforms back into the purple-black room with Siana and Holly.
"How do I know that's my memory! It could've been twisted or something!" I say.
"You were there when it happened, aren't those all of the words you and him said?" Siana says.
I think about it and they're right, all of those are the exact words we said to each other that day. I've been blinded by love.
"Do you want to see the next one or do you want to surrender" Holly says.
"No. I'm ready to surrender, but now I don't want to marry him" I say.
"It's okay, we'll be attacking the meeting on Friday. A week before your wedding, you let us "capture" you and then we'll be able to rebel against Shadow" Holly says.
"Okay...what do I do until then?" I say.
"When you wake up, try to figure out his plans. Also try not to get hypnotized again" Siana says.
I glare at her. "Thanks".
"Alright you'll be waking up in about 10 seconds. Good luck" Holly says. I nod and close my eyes as the 10 seconds pass. I feel myself going back to my conscious and on the way I feel a evil smirk appear on my face.
Morons, they'll believe anything I say.

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