What horrors lie beneath

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"well we noticed you two made all the girls swoon so we want you to be hosts" Tamaki said being all dramatic.

"and what are we getting out of this?" 4 asked glaring over at him.

"pleas 4-chan, Lash-chan maybe you could help with Haru-chans debt." hani said making puppy dog eyes.

"so I have a question if his debt gets payed off you would have to fuck off am I right with this assumption" 4 asked Tamaki with an evil smirk, wait can he not tell Haruhi is a girl? Tamaki then went to a corner to sulk is he growing mushrooms?

"yes you are righ mr.4." kyoya-senpie said nodding.

4 started to chuckle evilly "I take it I don't have a choice?" I asked looking at 4

"unless you have something better to do." he stated.

"wow you would help with my debt thank you!" Haruhi said well she looks happy.

there was suddenly flashes of light and loud noises then a laugh "no, no, no they need a type first."a girl said coming up from the ground ...what the hell is going on here?

"who the hell is this?" 4 asked looking confused.

"My name is Renge i'm the manger of the host club and you need types misters." She said looking at us I had to try not to giggle at the fact she called me mr. but I suppose I am a boy now.

"this chic sounds crazy." 4 said.

"like Nina crazy." I said nodding

"who?" every one but 4 said

"don't worry about it." I said and shrugged.

"any way I say you, she said pointing at 4 should be the dark type." She said but I cut her off.

"woah dude you'er a pokmon." I said acting surprised.

"oh hahaha funny Lash" he said shoving me a bit

"and you mister will be the mysterious type." she said pointing at me.

"does that mean I can only be caught with a master ball?" I said with a smirk.

"hahaha pokemon humor now shut up." 4 said.

"aww fuck you too buddy." I said and smiled at him.

"Anyway" Hikaru said interrupting us "today is a meeting day" Karu finished wow 5 seconds in and already done with there crap.

"eh ok." 4 said

"Might I ask something, why do we need types?" I asked

"so the ladies can choose who they want to talk to based on who there is as what type?" kyoya said pushing up his glasses.

"you will make great additions to the club we are lucky to have you." Tamaki said with a smile.

"weirdo." 4 mumbled to himself and I. Why is he making me do this?

"mysterious type? I guess it kind of suits him but are we sure dark type is right for him he seems more of a cooking type?" Haruhi said that's when I lost it and started to laugh maybe too hard.

"oh my slender hahaha oh 4 I can't breath help!" I laugh holding my side that's rich.

"how can I help you when I can't even help myself right now."4 said

"Are you two Bipolar or something?" Hikaru asked.

"no but I do have some anger management issues" I said shooting him a glare. Kyoya I assume wrote that in his note book of doom.

"we all have anger management secretly though don't we?" 4 said and smiled.

"True." A deep voice said I guess Mori talked aww he's like hoodie, I wonder if he likes cheese cake

"So can we come over to your house." the twins said.

"I don't mind but Lash might he isn't a people person." 4 said nudging me with his elbow.

"yes I'm quit interested in where you live." kyoya said pushing up his glasses.

"wow that's not stockerish at all"I said rolling my eyes "but I suppose you guys can come over."

"But whatever you do don't touch my cupcakes but you can hani-senpie." 4 said and smiled at him I face palmed

"and don't try to get into the basement" I said with a huff.

"What the hell do you have in the basement" 4 mentally asked.

"if I wanted you too know I would have told you wouldn't I"I replied back

"you do realize I will go into that basement and you can't stop me right." 4 said back

"oh like hell you will" I said and glared at him.

"I am going into that basement only slender can stop me."4 said.

Creepypastas at ouran!!!(WTF 4)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora