Chapter 1: Just One of those days

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* Sky's POV
Dead bodies. Is all we could see everywhere we went, whether it be in the Nether or The End, but many in the Overworld. I was sitting outnside the house that all of us had built together hidden deep inside a cave. It was nighttime and it was my turn to keep watch and the fact that I haven't been able to sleep, it's even difficult for me to stay awake. Last time I had a good night's sleep was before this war even started... And that was almost 300 years ago. 'Man why does Dad and Endie have to keep fighting? Im sick and tired of it!' I thought to myself. I laid down on the cold ground, around the fireplace that I started and just listened to the sounds of my surroundings. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh and once I opened them, I had a mini heart attack. "Ahhh!! What the crap Seto?!" I said as he had his face close to mine, causing me to jump and almost hit him. "You know you're supposed to be on night watch, Sky. And yet you're sleeping on the job I see." Seto said as he handed me a piece of cooked steak and began eating it. "Hey, all I did was close my eyes for a few seconds and once I open them, you scare the crap out of me." I said as i finished the steak. "Thanks for the steak by the way, got me to stay awake longer." I continued. "No problem and I've been meaning to ask you, why is it that you're always soo tired? What seems to be bugging you dude?" Seto asked. I was silent for a few seconds and before I could even answer, I heard a noise coming from a distance. Seto heard it too and we readied our swords. But soon after, a pack of wolf pups, around 8 of them and, what I assumed was the mother, came out. "It's just a pack of wolves." Seto said as he let out a sigh. I noticed that the mother was off and it began to get closer and closer to me. Before I could do anything, the mother collapsed as the pups started to surround her lifeless body. I got up and ran over to it and checked for a pulse... But, there was none. It was a heartbreaking scene and I then looked at the pups and then checked the time. It was becoming morning already, so I got an idea. "Hey Seto, do you mind helping me out here?" I said.

* Seto's POV
Once Sky told me what he was thinking, I couldn't stop smiling like an idiot. I've always wanted a dog, but I guess a wolf pup will have to do. I started levitating them, with Sky burying the mother, and started walking into the house. Sky opened the door, I walked in with the pups floating behind me and closed the door as I set them down, in a line in the living room. Sky went upstairs to go wake everyone up, for he had a "surprise" for them. Moments later, I start to hear groans and footsteps coming down the stairs, with Sky leading them towards me. I hid the pups with an oversized box once Sky and the gang we're here. 'This is gonna be interesting to watch' I thought to myself.

* Sky's POV
Once I gathered everyone in the living room, I couldn't help but smile and laugh. Jerome's hair was all over the place, Mitch was in his shorts and muscle shirt, Ian looked like he was going to pass out, Quentin looked like a dehydrated fish, Jason looked like he was in a different dimension, and Ty looked like he had his headphones became his hair stylist. "Alrighty then, so I know its freakin early to wake you up at a time like this-" I got interrupted. "It's 7 freakin morning right now. It's too damn early to be awake!!!" Ty yelled, causing everyone to either jolt or groan. "As I was saying... This surprise couldn't wait any longer so" I look towards Seto. "Seto, if you please, remove the box." I finished as he levitated the box and showed the 8 wolf pups. I looked back towards the guys and they had their jaws dropped. Soon enough, they all ran to different ones and I kid you not, it looked like if they had turned into 3 year olds opening presents on a Christmas morning. Mitch was the first to speak up. "Sky, where did you find these pups?" He asked. I started to explain about what happened and realized that Jerome was in tears. "Aww, don't cry my little Bacca. Everything will be alright. We'll watch over the pups and train them." Mitch said as he embraced Jerome in a hug (A/N: Merome for dayz!!)

~Time Skip 6 Months brought to you by Pastrami City~

* Herobrine's POV (ddnt see that coming did you)
'That damn Ender Dragon. Thinks he can beat me?' I thought to myself. I was back in the throne room, waiting to see if anything has came up about Skybrine's whereabouts. I was starting to become impatient when suddenly, the messenger, Scotty, burst through the doors and knelt before me. "What makes you think you can burst through my throne room doors and kneel right before me!?" I yelled. I can tell by the looks of Scotty that he was shaking with my sudden outburst. "Y-Your majesty, I-I have received word about Prince Skybrine's whereabouts. H-He was last se-" "Skybrine is out there in the Overworld without any protection?!?!" I had interrupted Scotty and teleported right in front of him, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. "Tell me where he is!!" I said as my bright white eyes shined brightly with rage. "Y-Your M-Majesty... H-He was l-last seen running in the f-forest with that E-Ender D-Dragon P-Prince." Scotty finished with fear in his eyes. I was soo enraged that Skybrine was with that Ender Prince. 'How could he betray his own world!!' I thought to myself. I dropped Scotty as he scrambled to get out of the room. I teleported to the command room and had startled everyone in there. "Everyone... I have news to where your Prince was last seen. Our goal is to retrieve him and bring him back here. He's our only hope of defeating the Ender Dragon and her army. I want him brought back to me without any harm happening to him. If you spot the Ender Prince.... KILL HIM!!" I ordered.

* Ender Dragon's POV (ohh yeah I did that)
'Where the hell is Enderlox!? He's supposed to be helping me defeat Herbrine and his Nether Army!?' I was flying around in frustration, destroying things along the way. I landed back in my throne chambers and sat there impatiently. "GUARDS!!!!!!!" I yelled. Suddenly, a group of 5 Enderian guards came through my chamber doors and stood before me. "Yes your Enderness? What may we be of assistance?" Said the commander. "Any sight of Prince Enderlox?" I asked. They got quiet and let me tell you something... I hate it when I'm not given an answer right away. So enraged, I ran up to the commander, grabbed him by the back of his uniform and flew up high. We got high enough to where he was shaking with fear in his eyes. "Let me make myself clear... And DON'T make me repeat myself... Answer my question when you are asked to and answer right away!!! Don't you ever make me wait because I will kill you... Now, tell me... Any sight of Prince Enderlox?!" I yelled at him. The commander was shaking uncontrollably until he finally gave me an answer. "H-He was last s-seen running i-into the f-forest with P-Prince S-Skybrine..." He stuttered. Oh how I was enraged when he delivered that news to me. I growled and dropped him, hearing his screams as he plummeted to his death. I suddenly recollected myself, flew down quickly, landed and grabbed the commander by the back of his uniform again, 6 inches off the ground. I looked at him dead in the eyes and said, "Send your best men and bring me back my son, Enderlox. You will not return until you have my son in your custody. And about that Prince Skybrine... Well... If you see him... KILL HIM!!" I commanded.

Word count: 1438

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