Chapter 2

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"oKAY LETS DO THIS BITCHES!" I scream after a long moment of us gathering our thoughts. We all get out of the car and start making our way into the campus. I push open the big doors and right away I spot three very familiar faces and walk straight out. "Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope" I say to myself. Dylan and Rachel catch up to me. "What the fuck? What's wrong?" Dylan asks as I continue to say nope. She grabs my shoulders forcefully and looks me in the eye. "Alexia. Tell me what is happening."
"Uhhh... well..." I try to answer.
"Uhhh... uhmmmm... oWEN, SYDNEY, AND CAMERON ARE HERE" I say a bit too loud and I automatically look away.
"You mean Owen, Sydney, and Cameron, as in, our crushes since sixth grade?!" Rachel joins in and I nod yes to confirm. Rachel and I are currently pacing while Dylan looks at us like we are crazy people. Dylan stops us after about 2 minutes and turns us to look at her. "Guys, what the fuck. Why are you acting like this? This is fucking great! Even if you are nervous, you probably won't see them because the school is so big, like you said, Alexia."
"Yeah, I guess you're right" Rachel says.
"Yeah, okay, let's just get our schedules and room keys so I can crash" I say and they nod to agree. We walk back into the campus, this time making it through the doors. I glance over a bit to see Owen flirting with a girl.

Stop thinking about him. You won't see him, like Dylan said.

I shake him out of my brain as we approach the Welcoming desk.
"Names, please" The lady asks. I wasn't paying attention to who she was talking to so I just answer.
"Alexia Rose" and the lady hands me a sheet of paper and a key.
"Here is your schedule and your room key. Room 938" She says.
"Okay great, thanks" I answer. "Name please" and the lady looks at Dylan. "Oh! Dylan Holley" and the lady hands her a sheet and a key also, "Room 934" I hear and Dylan turns to me and we silently celebrate. Now it's Rachel's turn. "Rachel Quinn" and she receives a sheet and a key. "Room 826" is said and we all frown. "Uhm, is there a room open that is closer to theirs?" Rachel asks and she points to Dylan and I.
"I'm not sure but I'll check" the lady answers.
After a few minutes of looking the lady says, "Well today must be your lucky day miss, Room 942"
"Thank you so much!!" Rachel says before turning around and joining in Dylan and I's silent party. We all are about to start walking again when we here
"What's your guy's room numbers?" ugh. Even the voice makes me cringe. It's Sarah, or our name for her is Slug.
"938, 934, 942" We all say.
"Well that's a bummer, mine is 826. Okay bye!" She says before running away.
"FATHER, SON, HOLY SPIRIT, AMEN!" Rachel screams. Oh yeah, Cameron liked Sarah in sixth grade, we aren't sure if he still does. I glance over to see that Owen is making out with the girl and has her pinned against the wall. Great. I think to myself. All three of us stand there talking for about ten minutes before Dylan leans in to whisper in a frantic voice "Owen, Cameron, and Sydney 10 o'clock, coming this way!"


We all kept talking trying to act like nothing is happening. I look up and see they aren't there anymore and let out a sigh of relief before I feel tapping on my right shoulder. Dylan is looking at someone behind me and biting her lip while Rachel stays frozen. I turn around to see who tapped on my shoulder and all of a sudden I am face-to-face with my dream boy. "Hey Alexia! I missed you!" Owen says before wrapping his arms around my waist and picking me up for a hug.

I think I just wet my panties

I awkwardly return the hug and he sets me down.
"I've missed you too?"
"Is that a question?"
"Okay, well, meet me at my dorm later today, 938."
"Okay!" I don't think much up until the point o where he said see you later. I turn around to see Sydney hugging Dylan and Cameron saying "Hey Lab partner!" before hugging Rachel.

Wait what the fuck?
How did this happen?
Is this a dream?

This is so fun to write yay! Hope you are enjoying it so far! - M🌙

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