Amatsuki Birthday Special

862 38 4

ART BY: _puriiizu_

This is Amatsuki's birthday special chapter (//' w '//). Happy birthday you little dork (((o(>w<)o)))

Enjoy everyone!!


Amatsuki stare at Kashitaro with bored eyes. He sighed as he flip himself on the couch. These past days, his friends seem like...avoiding him. Included his boyfriend, he got a little upset.

Can it be...he's bored with me? Do he want to break up?

Amatsuki almost cry from his thoughts, but then he shook his head, trying to be strong.

No no, Amatsuki you can't think like that...moreover tomorrow is your birthday.

Amatsuki encourage himself and smiled.

I should buy some groceries..maybe I'll cook dinner tonight


Amatsuki had arrived at his and Kashitaro's house, but the lights are off.

Huh..why are the lights off?

Amatsuki turned on the lights and put down the groceries.

"Kashi? Kashi where are you?"

Amatsuki went to their bedroom and saw no one, he frowned. But he did find a note.

Dear Amatsuki,

I'm going to Rib's house for a bit, will be late for dinner so you don't need to wait for me. See you later

Amatsuki's hands trembled, his eyes watering..almost falling, he sit down on the bed.

T-This is...not what I think right? K-Kashi is just...just what?

Amatsuki curled into a ball, almost crying.


Kashitaro didn't come home that day. Amatsuki was sad, very sad. When he was about to take a shower, his phone rang. He took his phone and saw a message.

Mafu: Ama-chan, can you come to my house now? We'll be waiting for you~~

Amatsuki sighed. He quickly took a shower and headed to Mafu's house. He knocked on the door and Mafu instantly appear.

"Ama-chan!! Come in, come in!!"

Mafu pulled Amatsuki in and closed the door. As he closed the door, the lights out and he let Amatsuki go. Amatsuki was surprised by the sudden lights out and searched for Mafu.

"M-Mafu? Where are you?"


The light was suddenly on again and Amatsuki saw his friends standing in the dining room.

"Happy birthday, Amatsuki!!"

Amatsuki was froze, but he quickly shook his head and smiled brightly.

"Thank you so much guys"

He walked to them, but frowned as he didn't see Kashitaro, even Rib was there. Suddenly he felt hands on his eyes and he heard a chuckle from the person he was looking for.

"Happy birthday, my love"

Amatsuki quickly spin around and saw his lover smiling at him. He hugged him and nuzzled his head on his chest.


"Sorry, did I worry you?"

Amatsuki pouted and glared at Kashitaro.

"You didn't go home..what are you trying to do in Rib's house?"

Kashitaro chuckled and patted Amatsuki's head. But then Mafu came in.

"Kashitaro-san is the one who planned this whole surprised party!!"

"Is that true?"

"Yes, that's right. We were all discussing about it at Rib's house..sorry I didn't tell you"

Amatsuki shooked his head and pecked Kashitaro's cheek.

"No's fine..I understand now"

Kashitaro smiled and kissed Amatsuki.

"So..where's my present?"

Kashitaro chuckled and leaned to Amatsuki's ear.

"Oh, you'll get it tonight...just wait until we got home 'kay?"

Amatsuki stared at Kashitaro confused.

"What do you-"

Then Amatsuki realized, his face turned beet red and he almost slap Kashitaro.

"Kashi you idiot!!"

Kashitaro chuckled and kissed him again.

"But you love me"

Amatsuki pouted but then he smiled.


"Happy birthday, Amatsuki~ I love you~"

"Yeah, I love you too, Bakashi"


Aye, finish!! Take me a long time since I'm not at home and connection suck.

And once again, Happy Birthday Ama-chan, you cute dork (okayignorethis)

Anyway, for the requests maybe I'll delay them for a bit until I get a steady connection and for 5K special at my soramafu book also will be delay since I can't sin at day anymore, but I promise they'll be done (no guarantee it'll be fast tho)


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