Kashitaro Birthday Special

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ART BY: _puriiizu_ (I always use your art www)

Today is Kashi's B-Day!! And I'm making a special chapter for it :)))



Amatsuki got that troubled face. He tapped his foot on the floor and suddenly he ruffled his hair, making it messy.

"Aaagh..it's Kashi's birthday and I can't believe I forgot his present!!"

Amatsuki is the type that never forget his boyfriend's birthday, moreover the present. But somehow, with the new album he has, he can't help but forgot Kashitaro's birthday.

"What should I do?!"

Amatsuki groaned and quickly took his phone. He dialed the number of his best friend.

"Yes, can I help you?"


"Ama-chan, what is it?"

"Uuh...you know today is Kashi'a birthday right?"

"Yeah, and?"

"I forgot his present"

"Ah, how rare..you usually got his present ready by now"

"I was busy, so I forgot. Mafu help me, what should I give him?"

"Hm...then just make yourself the present"

Coincidently, Amatsuki was drinking..and he choked.

"What?! Are you sure?"

"Of course I am, I always do that on Soraru-san's birthday"


"Eh? A-Ah..d-don't bother that. I already give you advice so I think this is okay right? Okay then, bye"

Mafu quickly cut the call, leaving Amatsuki dumbfound, he sighed.

Will it be a good idea?


"I'm home, Amatsuki"

"A-Ah..welcome home, Kashi"

Kashitaro walked to the dining room and saw dinner, with Amatsuki sitting there with kinda flushed face.

"H-Happy birthday, Kashitaro"

Kashitaro smiled and hugged Amatsuki.

"Thanks Amatsuki, you made this?"


"I see, thanks"

Kashitaro kissed Amatsuki's forehead.

"L-Let's eat"



After eating, Kashitaro noticed Amatsuki's red face.

"You okay, Amatsuki? Are you sick?"


"Ah, that's right..where's my present?"

Amatsuki became redder and gulp.

"K-Kashi, I'm sorry I kinda forgot your present..."

"Ah..is that s-"


Amatsuki hide his face from embarassment. Then he heard a chuckle and he felt himself being lifted off.

"Eh? Eh?!"

"You are my present right, Amatsuki?"

"Eh? Ah..t-that's-- wha?! Where are you touching, bakashi?! Ngh..stop"

"You over yourself to me, so...I'm taking you now...for my dessert"


The rest...imagine yourself www. I can't write too long since I still have school assignment (ughfuccinschool)

And I might not publish anything for a whole week. I'll try to update at least once or twice a week, so please wait for it. AND FOR THE REQUESTS TO PLEASE WAIT IM SORRY ORZ

School is hard, especially highschool *sigh*

Anyway, thanks for reading~ (and happy birthday Kashitaro~~)

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