Miss Me Bestie?

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"Where moving back" I scream feeling woried.

"Uh yes" my dad says patting me on the back.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was moving back to my home town.

What has happened while I was gone? To all the people I left....especially Jordan.


We put the last box in the moving van. "What's going on Bailey" Jordan said inspecting the van.

"I'm moving Jordan" I replied a tear falling down my cheek.

"What? Why Bailey"?

"I'm have to...I'm sorry" I say feeling hurt. More tears fell down my cheek.

"Why didn't you tell me" he said holding my hand.

"I'm didn't want you to worry" I sob.

"I can't believe it" is all he said tears now falling off his face.

"Come on sweetheart it's time to go" my mother said opening the car door for me.

"Bye" Jordan said letting go of my hand.

"Bye Jordan" I say giving him a kiss on the cheek.

*End of flashback*

How could I face him again. I mean I didn't even tell him I was moving until the day I left.

"Hello? Earth to Bailey" my dad said waving his hand back and forth in front of my face.

"Huh? Oh um yeah" I questioned.

"Are you gonna start packing or"?

"Um yeah sorry" I say as I ran up stairs to my bedroom.

*Two day's later*

I put my last box in the moving van. 'Well looks like I'm coming home' I think to myself.

"You ready sweety" my dad says while getting in the truck.

"Yeah I guess so" I say.

"Don't be so down" my dad says lifting my chin up with his finger.

I nod and look out the window not saying a single word on the way there.

As soon as we pulled up in our new drive way I know where we are.

"Really? Where Jordans neighbors" I say feeling the breeze hit me as I get out the car.

"Suprise" my dad says rubbing the back of his neck.


"Um yes who might you be" I reply as I turn around.

"Holy mother of......" I trail off. "Jordan".

"What...wh...um what are you doing here" he says with a confused look on his face.

"Looks like I'm your new neighbor" I say pointing to the house.

"Wait your moving back here" he says with excitement rushing through his emerald green eyes.

"Hehe yup" I smile.

"How long has it been? What 7-8 years" he says pretending to think.

"Yup about 8 years" I say as all the old memory's start flooding back.

"Well it's great to see you" he says giving me a hug.

"Well you at least have to tell me you missed me" I say jokingly.

"What about you" he replys.

"Hey the day I left was probably the most hardest days ever" I say feeling hurt all over again

"Yeah, yeah what about me" He says emotions swirling in his eyes.

I chuckled and I couldn't explain how I felt. I was filled with just joy.

"Well if you need any help you know where to find me" Jordan say giving me a sly smile.

"Ok" I say back to him.

He smiles and turns around. He waves goodbye as he walks back to his house.

My Ex Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now