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Sa Ra's POV,

What Mom told me yesterday really make me down today.I can't focus in every class today.I didn't saw Taehyung for the whole day.


"The good news is?"I ask mom.

"We will be home early a week.Our flight will be on Sunday night.I'm really miss you.See you"

End flashback.

"I'll leave on Sunday.Why do I feel the opposite not happy?Since I'll free from Taehyung stupid rules I should be happy right?"

"The time past by really fast.I stayed here 3 weeks ago and now I have to leave,I don't want it but what can I do?"



Someone knocking my door.I know that is Taehyung so I just let him in.

"Come in"


It's not Taehyung but Mrs. Kim.

"Hello Mrs. Kim"

"Did you have to go?I really don't want you to leave the house."

"Don't worry Mrs. Kim I'll come often.But don't tell Taehyung that I'm leaving this Sunday"

"I like you so much dear.I never saw Taehyung happy like this.I sure he likes you"

"Aigoo Mrs. Kim.Taehyung and me are just good friends"

Seriously good friends!?

"I know you're lying.I know it by look at the way you two look at each other"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"I should leave now.Please continue your work.Good night"

"Yes.good night Mrs. Kim"

Oh my god.Busted.I do have feeling for Taehyung but I don't know if he feel the same way as me"



3 days before I'll leave.

I bring my hot milk in a bottle since I'm late for school.

Taehyung walks infront of me.Look at the beautiful back of him.

Without I notice he suddenly stops and my hot milk spilled on his back.

He quickly take off his school uniform.

"Awww my back.Yahhh what's wrong with you?"

"I'm---I'm sorry.I didn't mean-- mean to spill my hot milk at your back"

Look at his redden back.Awww.

I took out my handkerchief and rub his back.

"Can you look infront when you walk?"

"Yes yes.I'm sorry"

"Rule no 7, keep your distance away from me."

"Yahhh!You're the one that stop suddenly when I was walking.How could you blame me for this?"

"Emmm no.I know you daydreaming while looking at my back just now"

"By the way why are we stopping?"

"Let's skip school together"

"Are you asking me out Tae?"

"Hey I'm not.Why did you think I'm asking you out?"

"I just thought about it yeah"

"Okay let's go"

Taehyung grabs my hand and yeah we just skip school.


The Day.

I'm packing my things. Since I'm leaving early in the morning I want to leave this house without he notice.

It's about 4 in the morning. I can't sleep.My eyes just don't want to shut down.

I went to the kitchen and I saw a figure in the darkness.


Yeah I just finish my history project and school holiday for a week.After that my geography project coming.

Hell I need a peaceful life without those bullshits.

Ok bye

Author out.

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