Getting Better

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Gilbert sat there in the back of that bar with Alfred, retelling the story of what had really happened with Roderich.
"And so... Because of this.. I can't have me doing the same to your brother... I can't bear having myself let another person that is so close to me die."

Alfred sat there stunned to silence. He couldn't believe that a whole platoon was killed and Gilbert was the only one who survived, no wonder he has taken this so hard. Especially when his fiancé had died in front of him. Alfred could only imagine the trauma.
"Beilschmidt. Gilbert. As not only a friend, but as family, I'm telling you that you have to go see Mathew. This isn't the Marines. That won't happen."
"Alfred, I can't-"
"But you can. Avoiding him won't help you and it surely won't help him. He loves you. If you leave him now, then it'll just leave him as depressed and as lonely as you were."
Gilbert silently stared back towards his lap.
"Edelstein will never be forgotten, but you can't remember him from what happened that night. You have to get up and start again. Edelstein wouldn't have wanted it this way."

        Gilbert, once again, sat in silence until he finally took in all of Alfred's words. Who knew Alfred to be so good with advice? "Alright... You're right. Just.... Give me some time."

Alfred understood and the two men left the bar. Alfred brought Gilbert home to rest for a while and only left when he was sure that Gilbert wouldn't do anything stupid.

        Mathew sat on the couch, starring out of the window at all the beautiful scenery. He felt a lot better, but he was still a bit shaken up to find out that he had been raped. He wasn't awake for the experience, but just learning that someone had done that to him made him feel sick.
        Before his mind could wander any more, Alfred came through the front door.
"Hey, Mattie." Alfred said as he sat on the edge of Mathew's bed. "So, I was wondering that since this'll be my last week home, that we could throw a little party here. Also, people are wanting to see you and see if you're doing better."

"Oh, I'm perfectly fine, and Arthur needs to notice that and let me get back to work again. And you need to let me do stuff by myself again!"
Alfred let out a chuckle before answering back. "Well, I'm sorry for wanting to spend time with my favorite brother!"
Mathew rolled his eyes and just laughed.
"But what do ya say about having a party?"
Mathew only thought that maybe he's finally be able to see Gil again.
"Hm, alright, but please don't make out with Arthur in my room."
Alfred replied with a blush, "whatever" and walked out of the room.

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