Fixing Jalec

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"Alec is having a breakdown of some sort, and no one can get through to him, not even Jace, and you are the only person I can trust to fix my brother so hurry along" Izzy ranted. Magnus wondered how she was so different to Alec, considering the two had been raised exactly the same. What he was more focused on though was Alec, what could cause him to break down?

"Alexander" Magnus whispered under his breath. Magnus was in shock, after what Isabelle had just told him, Alec had been distant recently, Magnus should've guessed the reasons why he was avoiding him, were deeper than that of their relationship.
"Magnus, go fix Alec." Izzy urged. All she wanted was for Alec to be okay. Magnus nodded and dashed for Alec's room.

Magnus approached the door to Alec's room carefully. He heard quiet sobs from the inside, the noise broke his heart. Magnus knocked on the door.
"Izzy I told you, stay away!" he heard Alec snap and Magnus frowned. It was most unlike Alec to snap at his sister. Or anyone for that matter. Magnus opened the door and walked towards Alec. Alec didn't seem to notice him. His head was in his hands and he was crying silently. Magnus sat down next to Alec and lifted him so that Alec was sitting in Magnus' lap facing him.

"My darling, Alexander." Magnus whispered and caressed Alec's cheek softly. Alec looked up at him before resting his head in Magnus' chest.
"Magnus?" Alec asked the name sounded like a question, though the relief Alec had in that question was evident.
"Yes My Love, it's me" Magnus stated and rubbed circles on Alec's back. Alec sighed and looked back up at him.
"Izzy sent you, didn't she?" Alec mumbled.
"Vent to me, Love" Magnus encouraged, ignoring his statement.

Alec started to shake his head but before he could Magnus pushed him roughly but carefully on to his back and pinned his hands above his head. "Alexander, that was not a question. I love you, you know I love you. Your sister is worried about you, and you will tell me what it is that has you in such despair" Magnus said with authority in his tone, an authority that Magnus knew, Alec could never deny.
"Okay," He said and Magnus sat back up pulling Alec with him.

"Jace" Alec whispered. Magnus growled lowly.
"If you still think you have feelings for that Herondale-"
"No, not that" Alec reassured. The fury in Magnus' cat eyes faded, but only slightly.

"Ever since Clary came along I feel our bond is fading little by little every day. He has fought so many battles without me and now he is famously some Angel-blooded hero, I feel we went from blood brothers to acquaintances far too quickly. Our parabatai bond is barely reachable right now, and he hasn't even said anything about it.
It's like he's trying to make it fade. I honestly can not live in a world without my parabatai, but he can and it's scaring me, and then there's everything with what happened to Max. I miss him so much, and Izzy keeps blaming herself for what happened, Izzy is one of the most important people to me, watching her suffer and knowing I can't say anything that she'll believe hurts. In a way, I have lost both my brothers, and I can not cope knowing that Isabelle is feeling so much hatred right now. I just had to let it out. I'm sorry"
Alec vented and then broke into small sobs.

He looked at Magnus who tucked Alec's hair back. "Darling, I've got you" Magnus stated. And started trailing small kisses along Alec's neck, in an attempt to calm Alec down. he bit down on Alec's sweet spot making him moan. Magnus then lifted his head back up and breathed in before asking.
"Alexander, have you tried talking to Trace at all?"
"It's Jace" Alec corrected.

Magnus rolled his eyes. Before starting to talk again
"The parabatai bond is breakable. But what you two have isn't. I have seen you together, as I have seen other parabatai together. You two keep each other grounded. Clary may be his heart but you are all the best parts of his soul, Alec, as he is yours." Magnus started talking and Alec was listening intently.
"I'll talk to him" Magnus stated.
"No no no, there is no need for that, really" Alec replied quickly.
"This may be a serious conversation Love, but I am still in charge" Magnus said firmly and Alec dodged his gaze
"Sorry" he mumbled.

"As for Isabelle, I have not much advice, I have lived a long time, and I have endured many deaths of the ones I have loved. The only thing that makes death better is time. Isabelle will need to find comfort herself, hopefully Cinnamon will be with her through this, she will blame herself, eventually though she will listen" Magnus paused.
"I am here for you Alexander, Everyone is in mourning over your brother. You are trying to keep yourself together around them, you seem to be a rock for them. Someone always there to lean on. You are not required of that around me." Magnus said and placed a kiss on Alec's forehead.

"Come, let us take a walk" Magnus Intertwined his fingers with Alec's and helped him up.
"If you weren't the last in the Herondale bloodline I would kill you." Magnus growled slapping a hand down on the table. He had interrupted Jace and Clary's date. Clary looked over at Jace who just arched an eyebrow.

"I'm pretty sure you've told me that before, but why would you kill me? I can't say I've actually done anything wrong this time" Jace stated and Magnus used a trick to make it appear Jace's hair had fallen off.
"Hey, hey, hey. What DID YOU DO?, what, oh no, Clary look away" Jace screeched. Clary looked over at him before speaking,
"Jace stop, this is embarrassing" Jace looked up at Magnus who was smirking. "You bloody warlock!, what is it you want?!" Magnus sighed before taking a seat opposite the two.

"Biscuit do you mind me stealing Jace for a moment?" He asked Clary and she warily nodded, before walking over to the counter where Magnus could hear her calling Simon.
"We have one thing in common" Magnus said matter-of-factly to Jace.
"We both have it in us to be arrogant pricks, indeed. What does that have to do with anything?" Jace said sarcastically.

"I am talking about Alexander, you horrible Herondale." Magnus said.
"Of course" Jace said suddenly serious. Before continuing.
"Did you get through to him?"
"Yes I did. Of course I did. You know what half the problem is? It's you." Magnus said angrily.
"That's not possible, we're parabatai, closer than brothers" Jace said with pride. Magnus shook his head.
"Reach for him, use the bond. I dare you" Magnus eyed Jace.

Jace closed his eyes. After half a minute he opened them shocked.
"I-I something isn't, it's so weak- what?" Jace asked, he looked worried. That made Magnus smile. "Go, fix it Jace. You are not his only worry, but you are a worry he shouldn't even be having. You weakened the bond, without even thinking of it. Alec, believes you don't care. Fix what you broke, or I will break you." Magnus said sternly. Jace nodded and got up.

"Clary, Angel. I have to go. Alec needs me." Jace sighed.
"About time you decided to talk to him" Clary nodded. Jace didn't question it.
"Alec" Jace said seriously taking a seat next to him in the training room.
"Did Magnus send you?" Alec inquired. Jace saw the hurt in his eyes and sighed.
"We haven't.. Well I haven't used the bond in a while. I hadn't noticed it was weak. Now when I look back I can see I have in fact hurt us. Where thou goest I shall go. But I didn't, did I?, I was so involved in this Valentine drama I excluded you. You are my parabatai, I can't believe I hadn't noticed. How do we fix this?" Jace asked and touched Alec's parabatai rune.

Alec looked over at Jace, a little sadly.
"I don't know if it will ever be at the level it once was, if we will be. But for now just, train with me?" Alec asked and Jace smiled.
"We haven't trained in a while have we?" Jace stated and got to his feet.
Magnus was leaning on the bench, flipping through some spell books when he heard the door open. Alec walked over to Magnus and immediately embraced him in a hug.
"Thank you" Alec murmured against the taller man's chest.
"Are you and Jace okay now?" Magnus asked seriously. Alec waited a few seconds before answering.

"It will take time, but I feel we will get there" Alec stated and rested his head on Magnus' shoulder.
"I see" Magnus said and lifted Alec up on to the bench.
"Thank you so much Magnus, I would be so alone without you." Alec said.
"Don't thank me Alexander. You are mine, and I like my property to be happy" Magnus said teasingly. Alec scoffed.

"Is that all I am to you? Property?" He asked. Magnus shook his head.
"No, Alexander Lightwood, you are everything to me." Magnus stated and kissed Alec. The way they both liked it, rough and controlled. Magnus broke away from it leaving Alec panting.

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