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Spencer James as Brysen

After we had eaten, we had been waiting for Brysen, our waiter to come to our table again, but he was taking a while. Which had all of us impatient. We were even considering leaving without paying our bill.

Mark sighed in relief as he heard the footsteps of the anxious, socially awkward waiter, running over to our booth.

Once he made it to our booth he muttered a low 'sorry' while panting as if he'd just ran a marathon.

"Sorry, I'm late um, I was looking for a pencil, a pen, yeah" Brysen groaned and scratched his head. I started wondering why he was so nervous, or was he just always like that. My gaze moved to the end of our booth.

There was literally a pen right there.

A small chuckle escapes my mouth as Brysen saw the pen beside Melody. His cheeks flushed with the color pink. He looked so adorable, I couldn't lie, Brysen was attractive.

Not as attractive as Rue

As the thought crossed my mind A huge smile spreads across my face, its true Rue is beautiful. But I hate that when I see an attractive person like Brysen, the first thought I have is about Rue.

I'm actually starting to question how long I've liked Rue in this way.

"Why'd did you need a pen?" I smiled at Brysen. I couldn't help but laugh around him, he looked so embarrassed, but little did he know how cute he looked trying to run away from this awkward situation.

"Oh, just waiter things" Brysen scratched his head, while laughing nervously. I didn't know what it was about Brysen, his presence was just... enlightening.

Melody handed the pen over to Brysen and sent him a tight smile.

Brysen looked down at the clipboard in his clammy hands and checked the bill with a hesitant look.

"Your guys' bill is 38.00" Brysen said with a little bit more confidence then before.

I creepily watched Brysen while Mark took out his money to pay our bill. There was just something about him that I didn't get. Like why he was so anxious, socially awkward, weird, but in a kinda good way.


Why would someone become a waiter, if they could barely utter a sentence without stuttering.

Maybe he needed the money?

Its none of my business.

After Mark had given Brysen the money we had gotten up and were ready to leave but halfway through the doorway Brysen gave me a piece of paper and smiled nervously before sprinting back to the kitchen.

I couldn't help but laugh as he almost fell face forward to the ground.


While we were walking towards our parked car we heard people shouting 'wait' or 'hold on'. I didn't realize they were shouting at us until the voices became louder and more evident as if they'd been following us. I turned around and saw 3 males speed walking towards us.

I locked eyes with one of the guys who were running towards us and he looked very intimidating, so I just walked faster towards the car, why were they walking towards us?

The fact that it was 4 am and we had gotten no sleep made me even more intimidated.

He was covered in tattoos head to bottom, an eyebrow piercing, a septum piercing, and two lip piercings. He was the only one with tattoos the others had none, well, they may have some covered up but from what I could see, they had none, not even a piercing, but these three men had something in common, they were very attractive, but not my type, Rue is my type.

So is Brysen.

We were steps away from Marks car until I felt a cold hand being placed softly on my shoulder, causing me to elbow the person behind me.

It was by instinct, it wasn't personal just don't touch my shoulder if you don't know me.

I heard a loud groan come from the person behind me and I looked behind me to see the man that was walking towards us, with the tattoos, bent over and clutching their stomach.

Also by instinct, I felt bad.

"Are you okay? Oh my- I'm sorry" I said in concern for this man, this stranger, I did not know his intentions, didn't know what he was capable of, why he was literally chasing me, but I felt bad.

That's just my logic.

What I dared myself can get me in trouble, I should rethink this

"Its okay, I get it" The man groaned. The other two men behind him laughed loudly at him.

I didn't find this funny.

Why are they laughing?

I saw one of them wiping away tears from his eyes in hysteria. Their laughter had dyed down to small snickers as they saw me giving them a questioning look, and that's where I felt another hand being placed on my shoulder, but I knew this person it was Rue.

I turned around slightly and saw her worried eyes, she didn't say anything but I knew what she wanted, she was scared of the unknown men. She didn't want me near them, she was scared for me.

"They can hurt you, get away" She whispered softly, she only wanted me to hear her, but one of the men heard.

He was the one with no tattoos, no piercings, well groomed hair, and well dressed, nonetheless I was still intimidated.

"We won't hurt you" He said loudly. Rue's face paled as she heard the stranger, she still didn't trust him, but neither did I.

Why were they following us?

"Why are you following us" Mark stood forward. His forehead was creased in confusion staring at the 6 foot men in front of us.

"We just need directions, do you know where Hollywood is?" The one who had heard Rue spoke up. Mark rolled his eyes at this.

"Don't you have a GPS? No we don't know where holl-"

"Actually we are on our way there right now" Melody cut Mark off. Mark whipped his head back to look at Melody like she was insane. Melody wasn't fazed, she continued looking at the stranger, almost as if she was...flirting.

"What's your name?" Melody asked while twirling her hair and looking at the brown eyed stranger.

"LeVey" He smiled.

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