1. Strange Feelings

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Kenzie POV

Final day of summer, meaning I'm officially a Senior in high school tomorrow, I'm just looking forward in seeing Babe, Triple G and Hudson because we took a break and we haven't seen each other that much cause we all have been busy

Triple G went on tour with his dad and those two got in quite a lot of trouble this summer along with bunny and ruthless, like riding a motorcycle into a pool or something else stupid

Babe went to spend time with her mom side of the family which she was hesitant at first but I talked her into going and she loved every moment of it

Hudson went to Hawaii with his family for the whole summer and I haven't heard from him since but I've heard he enjoyed his stay

I stayed here in New York and attended a coding camp for girls with my sister but after the camp there was nothing to do, my sister tried to keep us entertained but that always ended up with us almost hurting grandpa or breaking something

"Kenzie scoot over" My sister Kira snap me out of my thoughts

"Why? There is more space over there" I motioned to the floor and a next couch

"Since you want to make life complicated" Kira put her whole body on me

"Move your butt" I whined trying to move her off my small frame

"No sorry bout it, my butt is getting comfy" She laughed

"Pop pop Kira won't get her butt off of me"

"Kira don't squeeze her to hard cause I'm not going to the hospital tonight" My Grandpa stared at the TV and kicking his feet up

You can't find much help nowadays

"Since you want to be a baby" Kira got off of me and sat on the floor

I'm lucky to have this annoying brat in my life she helped me through so much, Nana walked in tapping away on her tablet, I convinced her to at least try play a game which is nasty goats

"This game is addicting" She sat on the couch opposite me

"Nana you need to get out more" I laugh

"I could say the same for you two, you basically stayed inside, on your phones all day texting those friends of yours"

"There my best friends, you know Babe, Triple G-

"Hudson" Kira smirked

"Yes Hudson" I playfully hit her with a pillow, Kira always teased me about Hudson, she thinks Hudson has a crush on me which I dought, plus she calls herself captain Kira

"Kenzie stop hitting your sister" Nana said still tapping away on her tablet


My phone went off so I just excuse myself and went outside and seconds later Kira came out also

TripletheG💪: Where everyone at?😎
NotyourBabe💔: Last minute school shopping with my Dad
TripletheG💪: Why last minute?
NotyourBabe💔: That's when the good deals start dropping in, plus I get to spend time with my Dad
TripletheG💪: Your weird, I would pay to have someone take my Dad, where is the smart one?
Kenziezie😇: I have been summoned🙉
NotyourBabe💔: Sup Loser
Kenziezie😇: Sup Delinquent
NotyourBabe💔: I miss you
Kenziezie😇: I miss you too boo
NotyourBabe💔: Only 15 more hours until I'm finally united with my Bestie
Kenziezie😇: Aww and counting
TripletheG💪:What about me, I feel lonely😭😭
NotyourBabe💔:Calm down drama queen, I miss you too
TripletheG💪: 😳 Thank u
TripletheG💪: Have anyone heard from the crazy blonde hair nut job, because nobody had heard from him all summer
NotyourBabe💔: Who?
TripletheG💪: Hudson 😑
NotyourBabe: Oh, haven't heard from him
Kenziezie😇: Me neither
TripletheG💪: Some friends you two are
NotyourBabe💔: Not my fault I can't keep up with my friends

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