5.Beware of the she duck

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Babe POV

"Please" Hudson whined for the fifth time today "Pretty please with a sky whale on top"

"No and no to the sky whale" I closed my locker annoyed

Game Shakers is invited to a Halloween party and I refuse to go mainly because its on freaking Halloween and I just don't like people

"Just give me one good reason why you don't want to attend this Halloween party"

"Something dangerous could happen there, a killer clown could attack us, I don't like people, alcohol more than likely would be there, teens making out at ever corner, did I mention I don't like people" I rambled until he stopped me

"I said to just name one" He exclaim "Trip and Kenzie agreed to go when I asked them once"

"Trip will go to any party and Kenzie only agreed to go because you are going" Hudson gave me a 'so' look "Bug me again and no one will be going to that party"

"Sup gamers, who's ready for a party?" Triple G smiled

"Not me cause I'm not going" I crossed my arms "And I don't think its a good idea that you guys should go anyways"

"Why?" Trip started to whine "Emma Cooper even asked me to save her a special dance" Both Trip and Hudson high five each other

Wait Emma Cooper, she is the school hoe and she will not be hoeing around Trip

Because I don't want him to get into problems, don't judge me

"You know what let's go to this stupid Halloween party together" I quickly changed my decision

Just the thought of her being around Trip makes my skin crawl

"See was it that hard to agree to come" Hudson sarcastically sassed

"Don't make me regret what I'm doing" I rolled my eyes as I watch Mr Turner walk over in our direction with a blonde girl behind him

"Hey flame bakers or whatever you call yourselves, we have a new student here and I want you guys to show her around because I don't care to do it" Well isn't he just a bucket of sunshine

"Wait Sophia!" Hudson smiled

"Hi Hudson!" She hugged him

Kenzie come get your man, Ha she would kill me if she heard me say that, but seriously who is this girl?

"Guys this is Sophia she was my best childhood friend but moved away before I worked at game shakers"

"Well a friend of Hudson is a friend of ours"

Sophia seems like a sweet girl, heck she's like a mini Kenzie with blonde hair

"Come on don't be a whimp" Ceci waved the lunch tray in front of Kenzie

"I am not a whimp" Kenzie protest

"Then just do it" I grabbed the burrito off the tray and hand it to her

"Why are you two torturing poor Kenzie?" Payton walked over to our table

"We just dared her to eat this burrito filled with pickles, mustard, onions, mayonnaise and sardines"

"That sounds like a recipe for diabooties" She looked at it like it was gonna attack her

"Don't worry I won't judge you if you don't do it" Payton said before taking a big bite of his burger as Kenzie pushed the tray away

"So what Payton is the king of whimps anyways" Ceci sassed

"At least I'm a king of something my Queen" He smiled

Game Shakers: Fragile Heart ~Hudzie~(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now