Chapter 11

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Hey guys do you remember the last time we talked I was skipping school with Jason. It was the best time I had ever had with someone in my life. I also remember telling you I could stay like that all day everyday. I said that because Jason isnt like most gus he dent want to have sex all of the time, I can actually sit down and have a conversation with him without him trying to feel me up. I like that because it tells me he doesn't just want me for my body and I am happy about that since I havento spend my whole life with him. Well enough of the heavy stuff. I wanted to talk to you guys today because I am going to ask Jason those questions I talked to you about last time we talked. I really hope that he answers them honestly and doesn't try to spare my feelings or something. So I am going to text him . Me: hey Jason I need to talk to you so meet me my the bathroom.

Him: ok is this a good talk or a bad talk?

Me: it's a good talk dont worry?

Him: ok see you soon babe !!!!! :)

Guys i know you probably want me to take you guys with me when I talk to Jason . But this one I am going to take care of on my own. I know you probably hate me right now throw fruit at me or whatever. Well I go to go and meet Jason see you guys later I will tell you all of e details I promise.

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