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I stop my hand from putting my last apple in my mouth. I am on the edge of starvation. I found a herd of sheep but all they dropped was wool so I made a bed with a red sheet. I thought I saw a cow but when I went to look but I found nothing. I went mining and I found 4 pieces of coal and 8 pieces of stone so I made a furnace and put 2 torches in my place and one outside to keep them away. I ate my last apple and I now only have my zombie flesh. I go outside and there is nothing to see but wind blowing through the trees and grass but as the wind blows I notice a small seed being knocked off the grass with the wind. my thoughts go wild and I realize the seed is wheat I pick it up and run in to my house to make something that will till the dirt I make a hoe and start to hack at the ground. at the end I have a small 2x2 square and I tack the seeds out of my pack and roll them around in my hands I have 3 seeds and I plant all 3. I realize that it will not grow in time so I go back in and make a chest I and put every thing but my zombie flesh and wooden sword I walk out the door and close it behind me and begin to walk. I have went over a mountain and a lake and past a gravel pit and I get gravel and flint and I keep walking I stumble and almost fall but I realize I am starving and take the rotten flesh from my pack and slowly eat it I can feel it slide down my throat as I choke it down I begin to fell sick but the felling fades. I get back up and walk to a small rift in the ground and than I see them 5 cows at the other side of the rift and I know I must make a big bridge in order to cross the rift or I will starve to death.


Hi thanks for all the reads plz comment on what you think should happen and what I might be doing wrong.



P.s thanks for the votes

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