The Dreamless (Naruto Fanfiction)

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Name: Ushinawa Merodī


In the real world she has long black hair and one green eye and the other is purple but fades to blue. She was short and skinny, but built.

In the Naruto world she has short blue hair. She has one red eye and one eye that is purple and fades to blue. On her stomach is a tattoo that has tha kanji symbol for Dream. She is short, but VERY built, although she doesn't look it making people think she's weak. Her outfit will be described latter.


On Earth she has a dad that is drunk all the time and abuses her. Her mom died in a shooting. Her stepmother is EVIL. Maybe not, just really mean. She had no friends, because people were scared of her. Is very smart and can be childish, layed back, and has bad anger ishues, because of her life. SO. Don't mess with anything precious to her. (She's never had anything precious to her so now that she does she doesn't want to loose it.) Born on July 23 and is 12.

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