Chapter 44: Harry the driver

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It's been 2 weeks since the movie premiere and Harry seems to be in and out of the house. He's been busy with management and the new One Direction perfume.

That's not the only problem though.

Im getting more hate.

And it's because of that kiss Harry and I shared in the photo booth.

But I just let that slide....

"See you later Kendall." Harry waves from the door.

"Bye." I say in a sweet voice while sending him a smile.

He returns one back, showing that gorgeous dimple on his left cheek.

I'm falling for this boy. Falling hard I'm telling you.

He's just so, I can't even find the words to describe him.

If I could think of one word for that describes Harry, it would be....


Yeah, perfect.

I could just keep saying it.

My thoughts got interrupted when my phone buzzes.

From Jenna:
You know what I just realized?

I type in a respond.

To Jenna:

From Jenna:
We are not being educated! that's what!!






ok, I'm all better.

Jenna and I arrive at Simons office to talk to him about us going to school. Simon is sitting behind his desk, staring at the computer in front of him.

I knock on the glass door and his head shots up, and he smiles.

He stands up and walks up to the door.

"Hello ladies, come in and take a seat."

Jenna sits on the left chair and I sit on the right.

"Alright, what's the problem?"

I look at Jenna, the. Back at Simon.

"Well, Simon. Jenna and I were talking, and...."

"You want extra money, I get it. Even Taylor asked for more. Im sorry, your gonna have to stick with the amount I give you."

In the corner of my eye, I see Jenna make a face.

"No, not more money. We were wondering when can we start college?" Jenna said asked.

"Oh, right! Ok, so the boys get a private tutor, you know, if they go on tour, someone comes along with them. But you girls aren't celebrities. Don't take this the wrong way, but you guys are normal people. Everyday people."


"So, it means you guys will have to apply for a college or University. And I will pay for the expensive, like the college money, school supplies, etc."

"Excuse me, Simon? Im not dating any of the boys of One Direction like Kendall. Why do you have to pay for my education?"

"Do you not want me to pay?"

"Well, yeah, I can find the money on my own."

"Are you sure?"

It takes Jenna a couple of seconds to think.

"Yes." she sighs.

Simons lips are slightly puckered. He moves his eyes from Jenna, to me.

"Are we done?"

Jenna and I look at each other.

"Mhmm." we both say at the same time.

Simon tells us the rules about finding the college or University we want to go to and how he will contact them and stuff.

We head to the entrance and stop.

"Aye, I gotta go to my job interview. I'll see you in a couple of hours?" Jenna asks while looking at her watch and then back at me.

"Oooh! what job did you apply for?" I ask smiling.

She's actually being responsible for the first time. Damn.

"Topshop. It's like Forever 21. But for the British." She laughs, and I laugh along with her.

"Oh, ok. I'll see you in a few. Aye, call me though, ok?"

"Will do!" She puts her thumbs up and walks backwards, before turning around.

I pull out my phone to call a cab. Just as I'm about to dial the number, A tall, black Range Rover comes speeding by, and makes a surprising stop. The driver pulls the window down and has a smirk on his face.


"What are you doing here?" I ask, smiling.

"Simon called me and told me that you and Jenna came here to talk about something, but he didn't tell me what it was. Then I thought of how you were getting home, so why not I give you a lift?" He shrugs while giving me that adorable smile.

I put my hands on my heart and pout.

"Aww, you care about me." Im actually happy that he would think of something g like that.

"Duh? Now get in. I don't have all day." He reaches out and opens the door for me. HOW SWEET!

My smile grows and I hop in, and close the door. Once my seat belt is on, I look at Harry to signal for him to drive, but he's just looking at me up and down, smirking slightly with his right hand on the steering wheel, and his left hand resting on the arm on his seat.

I'm looking at his eyes, and he's looking down at my lips. Or my chin? Please God. I hope I don't have a zit.

But I know Harry isn't looking at my chin. His eyes are gleaming with pride. No ones eyes would ever gleam at pride for staring at a zit on someones chin.

Harry is coming closer, and closer, only an inch or two. Im being the loser I am and in a statue position.

All of a sudden, there is a flash.


The Paparazzi just have to ruin our little moment.

Harry looks behind me and mutters a curse word. He pulls the car to drive, and speeds off.

"You know what I just realized?" Harry says, once he's on the freeway.

"What?" I say while texting on my phone, then locking it.

"That you haven't complained on twitter hate from the fans in a while."

"So, you want me to cry, self harm myself, get rushed to the Emergency room, and die?"

Harry laughs.

"No, haha. I mean like- your so stupid sometimes."

I gasp while smiling.

"Ouch! Ok, now that, that hurt, you just have to make a rude statement do you?" I laugh.

"I'm sorry." he looks at me.

"No, just shut the fuck up."

"Hey, language." He gives me a stern look.

"Fuck. Shit. Bitch. Cunt. Slut. Faggot. Pussy. WH-"

Harry cuts me off by putting his hand on my mouth.

I remove his hand away.

"I get it. Thanks."

"Your welcome." I smile.

"You do know that swearing is my biggest turn off, right?" His eyes are focused on the road.

"I do now." I look out the window.

Harry chuckles softly.

The whole car ride is silent. The only sounds that we can hear are the cars sliding on the freeway.

"Have you and Liam made up yet?" I break the silence.

"Yeah, he said that he was sorry, and then I said I was sorry."

"Good boy!" I pinch his cheeks.

"Ow." He pouts and rubs his cheek.

I start laughing.

We arrive home less than two minutes. Harry unlocks the door for me and lets me walk in first.

"It's so warm in here." I say while taking my brown leather jacket off.

"Is that a good thing or bad thing?" Harry smiles after he closes the door.

"It's a good thing." I glare at him.

"What's with the attitude?" He says to himself, thinking that I didn't hear.

"What?" I say.

"Nothing." He says fast.

"I thought so." I walk towards the living room and take a seat.

"I am so tired!!!" I yelled.

"That doesn't mean you need to yell!" Harry yells the word yell in my face.

He takes a seat on the other side of the recliner couch.

I was so bored that I wanted to tease Harry a little bit.

"Harry, did I ever tell you, you were sexy?"


"Well I am now."


I scoot closer to him.

"Did I ever tell you how beautiful your eyes were?" I smiled.

Harry starts laughing.

"Keep going." He laughs.

"Did I ever tell you how fluffy your hair is?" I start to touch his hair.

Harry laughs even more now.

"Did I ever tell you what a big nose you have?" I pinch his nose.

"Hey, I know I have a big nose, but seriously?" He frowns.

"It looks good on you though." I shrug.

Harry also shrugs in agreement.

"Is that a cross tattoo I see?" I pick up Harry's left hand and examine the cross infer his thumb.

"When'd you get this?"

"Like, 3 weeks ago or something. And your late."

"I know. Why do you think I'm looking at it like that?" I smack the back of his head.

"Your so stupid sometimes." I mock him.

"Ouch! that hurt!" Harry says in a high pitch voice and starts giggling.

"I don't talk like that!"

"I never said you did." He smirks.


"You're a smartass." I say.

"Wanna see my smartass?" He gets up, and unbuckles his belt.

"Whoa! stop. I don't want to see your ugly acne ass." I start laughing.

"How do you know I have an acne covered ass?" He frowns.

"You do!" That just makes me laugh harder.

"I don't have an acne ass, Kendall!" He sits back down next to me.

"Ok, so you know how you went out with Taylor Swift?" I stop laughing and just talk normally.

Harry rolls his eyes in annoyance.

"Yeah, what about that?"

"So there was this picture of you when you went to the Virgin Islands or something like that, and you were shirtless, and I saw your back, and," I start laughing.

"And...." Harry continues.

"And," I pause to laugh again. "Your back had acne or zits or whatever all over it!" I cracked up laughing so hard that I fell to the floor once I saw Harrys reaction.

"Stop laughing Its not funny." He pouts like a little child and crosses his arms over his chest.

That makes me laugh even more now. My stomach hurts so much, but I continue laughing.

"You, you," I just laugh even more now and I swear, tears were running from my eyes.

"You had a little ponytail on top of your head like a 2 year old!" I start laughing, clapping, rolling around.

This is just to funny.

"Are you done?" Harry looks so annoyed and embarrassed now.

"Do you still have an acne back?" I laugh.

Harry doesn't say anything! and at this time, Im ready to shit in my pants.

"If your gonna keep laughing at me you should just do that in your room." Harry says.

I shake my head and my hand.

"Can I see your back?"

"No!" Harry says.

"Please! I won't laugh, I promise." I wink at Harry.

I swear, I just saw him smile.

"Fine." Harry turns a little and I sit behind him.

He pulls his shirt off, and I help him a little.

There is only like one pimple and that at it.

"You only have one zit on your back." I scoot back a little.

"I do?" He turns around.

"Yeah, and don't worry, I'll buy you proactive."

"Not funny. But seriously, do I have only one, not 3 or 7, like ONE?" He ask seriously.

"Honest, I'd put my finger on it, but I don't want too. Just kidding. Its right there." I put the pad of my index finger on top or the pimple.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"Can I pop it?" I ask.

"Eww! no! It could get worst." He stands up in front of me.

And let me tell you, that, is the most beautifulist sight I have ever seen.

"Why not? I popped Kenny's."

Harry makes a disgusted face.

"Oh my god! I was just kidding! I had never in my life popped Kenny's nor will I pop yours." I put my hands up.

"Oh, good." he puts his hand on his heart.

He is so beautiful. I've never seen such creature.

I'm starring at Harry's body, and he breaks my eye contact.

"Like what you see?" He points.

"Very." I smile.

Harry smiles and wiggles his eyebrows.

"Sit." I pat the seat next to me.

Harry sits down next to me, after he puts a movie on. He picks up his shirt and is about to put it on.

"Hey, I never said to put your shirt back on." I tell him.

"You wanna see me shirtless?" Harry smirks.

"Yeah, take it off." I instruct.

He does what is said and comes closer to me.

I like where this is going...


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