Jasper's Awakenning

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Garnet went for a walk to have a conversation with herself (Ruby and Sapphire) after dealing with Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, and Ruby in their game of baseball. Last time they saw Jasper, she fell into the world. She warped to Garnet's thinking spot in the watermelon village. She saw that the watermelons were all scared of her. Then there was a growing shadow in front of her. Behind her was standing Jasper. She turned around slightly but soon felt a giant thud on her face. Her glasses shattered and she fell to the ground. Before Garnet could activate her weapons, let alone stand up, Jasper picked her up and threw her across the village. In doing so, forcing Garnet to unfuse due to the pain forced upon them. Jasper walked up to the two gems with eyes of fury. "You're gonna pay for what you little runts put me through." She scowled. She looked at Sapphire. "Starting with you." She picked Sapphire up by the arm with one hand. "No! Don't touch her!" Ruby yelled. She was conscious enough to lunge at Jasper, causing Jasper to drop Sapphire onto the ground. Sapphire finally gained enough consciousness to say something.
"Ruby, don't worry about me. I'll be fine." Before Ruby could respond, she was so distracted by Sapphire that she got head butted right in the face with Jasper's helmet.
"Ruby!" Sapphire yelled. Sapphire was on the verge of crying.
"Now, where was I?" Jasper asked. Jasper paused.
"That was a rhetorical question by the way." There was a slight cough of Ruby who had fallen and was on the ground.
"P-please.....n-no....." Then Ruby passed out. Jasper turned to Sapphire.
"Now it's your turn. And don't even think about fighting back. The more you do, the more I hurt her." Jasper warned, pointing at Ruby. Out of fear, Sapphire obeyed. She didn't say a word. First punch. Second punch.
"Stop squirming!" Jasper barked. Sapphire stiffened. She started to cry.
"Aww, does that hurt? Too bad! This is only the beginning you runt." Jasper taunted. Third punch. Fourth punch. Fifth punch. Poof! Sapphire retreated into her gem just before Steven, Amethyst, Peridot, Pearl, and Bob- I mean, Lapis, burst into the heartbreaking scene. They fought Jasper, bubbled her, and locked her bubbled gem in a black, chained box. Steven must've followed Garnet here and saw what happened. In doing so, he must've ran to get the others.
"Ruby!" Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven yelled, rushing to help her.
"Sapphire." Ruby groaned.
"Oh no! Sapphire." Pearl gasped, looking at Sapphire's gem.
"Don't worry, the gem isn't cracked, all she needs to do is regenerate back into her human form, which.. might.. take a while." Pearl said. "We're probably gonna need to fix Ruby up first, she's pretty beat up and weak." Amethyst said, trying to comfort Ruby the best she could. Ruby was going crazy. All she said was "Sapphire" and nothing else. She was barely half conscious.
"Pearl? Is.. Ruby gonna be alright?" Steven asked worriedly.
"We don't know for sure. Her state of mind isn't fully... How do I say this?.. Sane." Pearl chose her words carefully as she rubbed her arm, making sure that she didn't alarm or make Steven worry even more than he already was.
"Come on Ruby, let's get you out of here." Amethyst said, placing Ruby gently over her shoulder and carry her back to the temple.

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