Back Together

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Still at Rose's, Sapphire had Ruby's crippled gem in her hand as she was sitting down in the spot where Ruby last stood. She replayed the memory of Ruby dying. Her last words. Her last moment. Ruby was in complete pain. Her mind was filled with self hate. "Why couldn't you save her? You could've stopped Ruby's hand from slamming down. That should've been you." The rest of the gems let their head down as they grieved over their well-known and well-loved ally (most of the time). Then Sapphire had an idea. She sprung up off the ground and started placing the shards in order like a jigsaw puzzle until it made Ruby's gem shape. She placed it into the pool of tears. It started to form back to normal as there was a light figure coming out of the gem.
"Woah... Where am I?" Ruby asked. She looked at her gem. There was a piece missing. sapphire ran up to her and jumped into Ruby's arms, knocking them both to the ground. Sapphire kissed Ruby all over. Ruby just had a confused look on her face. Ruby got up and said, "Apologies, but I think I'm wrong gem. You must be confusing me with another Ruby." Ruby said. She was about to turn around but Sapphire grabbed her left arm. There was a piece missing.
"Everyone, try and find another piece of Ruby's gem!" Sapphire said. Immediately everyone started looking.

~5 hours later~

There was no gem shard to be found.
"Don't worry. We can come back tomorrow and look for it." Steven comforted and yawned.
Sapphire sighed. "That is a nice thought, but, no." Steven frowned.

Everyone walked down to the Temple but Peridot and Lapis went down to the shack. As Sapphire was walking down the beach with Ruby, Sapphire saw a shimmer in the glass shards. She looked down a picked it up. It was a piece of Ruby's gem. Sapphire immediately grabbed Ruby and sped to Rose's fountain. Ruby was off the ground as Sapphire ran. When Sapphire stopped, Ruby was flung into the pool. Ruby got up and jumped.
"Why'd you do that?!" She yelled. Sapphire remembered when Ruby said than to her when Blue Diamond was about to break Ruby. Sapphire hushed Ruby as she slid Ruby's missing gem piece into the hole in her gem. She carefully placed it into the water as Ruby's gem glowed.

It all came back to her. Ruby grabbed Sapphire's hand to get out but pulled her in. They were both soaking wet as Ruby spun Sapphire around. They both laughed as Sapphire kissed Ruby right on the lips. Ruby's cheeks began to be darker red. Ruby smiled as she kissed back while she lifted Sapphire up and spun her around. And soon, they fused.

Steven Universe Fanfic: Do You Remember Me? (Rubapphire)Where stories live. Discover now