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Camila Pov.

I got the job! Wooo. And that girl didn't even recognize me so that good.

I went to the hotel that girl told me about but when I tried using my credit card it wouldn't transfer. Unless.. Damnit! The bastard must've gotten into my account and deactivated my card. I walk out of the hotel with my head hanging low. All I have is 200$ in cash with me. Looks like I'll be sleeping in my car for acouple of days.


Dinah Pov

I was watching the clock stoke 5. So I could pack up and head home. As soon as it struck I ran out to my car and left.
My stomach started growling so I descided to go to this dinner down the street. I parked next to a familiar car. Karla?
I go inside and see her at a booth by herself eating an hamburger and staring at her phone.

I'm interrupted by the manager Ally.
"Hey D haven't seen you in awhile." Ally says from behind the counter. I smile.
"Not in awhile." I say taking my attention to Ally.
"The usual?" I nod and walk over to Karla.
"Hey mind if I sit with you?" I ask she looks up at my with acouple of fries dangling from her mouth. One word for it. Cute. She hesitantly nods.

She finishes eating and look at me expectantly.
"So how are you like town? Not too big but not too small." I say. She nods.
"Yeah I like it I've been trapped up in La for so long I thought I needed some fresh air." I nod understandingly.
"Well I hope you enjoy it by the way did you ever make it up to the hotel." I ask and see Ally bring my food. I thank her and start to eat.
Karla looks hesitant to speak but does.
"Um yeah..  I found out I don't have enough credit... So I'm practically broke." She says quietly. I furrow my eyebrows. Think for a moment. She has no money....
"Hey you can stay  up at my place it's a two bedroom apartment. Has two baths, and one kitchen." I say. The look on her face was priceless.
"Really?! You would let me crags there?" She asks excited.
"of course oh and my names Dinah by the way. Since you will be moving with me for a little while might as well know my name." I say and she giggles.
"So here it is Casa De Hansen." I tell Karla as I unlock my door and help her with her bags.
"Wow nice play you got here. Thank you so you much! I would be living in my car if it weren't for you." she says sincerely. I smile.
"Your welcome and its alright I understand what it feels like to be on the streets don't you worry ." I say take her to her bedroom.

"Here we are hope it's big enough not too cramped or anything." I say.
She looks around and smiles.
"It's perfect thank you again." She smiles and brings me into a hug. Not really knowing what to do I hug her back.
She breaks away and smiles.  I stare into the blue pools she has for eyes and realize I was staring. I clear my throat breaking the little staring contest.
"I'll let you get settled in and if you need anything I'll be in the living room." She nods gratefully and starts to unpack.

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