Chapter 8

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Annabeth's POV
Math passed by in a blur of introductions and course overviews. I sat down in science at an empty table, which was in a cluster with three other desks. Piper sat down across from me. "Hey Annie."

I rolled my eyes. "Piper, call me that one more time and I swear I will judo flip you."

"Ohh a feisty one I see," said a voice behind me. I turned around and saw a guy with brown hair and blue eyes. He turned towards Piper and said, "Hey Beautiful."

"Go away, Roger." Piper glared.

Roger ignored her and turned towards me with a smirk. "I'm Roger White, but you can call me hot stuff." He winked at me.

"Back off, she has a boyfriend." Piper said calmly. My eyes widened. What was she playing at? Piper winked at me and continued. "They've just met yesterday, but they fell in love immediately." Piper finished smoothly.

Roger gritted his teeth. "Who is this boyfriend of yours Feisty?"

As if on cue, Percy walked in. "Hey guys," he sat down next to me.

Piper grinned. "Ah Percy, we were just talking about how you and Annabeth started dating yesterday!"

Percy's POV

I blinked a couple times. What the heck was Piper talking about? I felt a kick coming from her direction and decided to go with it. I nodded and put my arm around Annabeth's shoulders. I could feel Roger glaring at me, but I refused to look at him. I took out my pencil and binder, and waited for class to start. I could feel Annabeth stiffen under my arm, but took no notice to it.

"Back off, Roger." Piper said with a smirk. He winked at Annabeth and went back to his seat.

I saw Jason come in with a grin on his face. "Hey guys! Are you coming to my party?" Piper and I nodded while Annabeth shook her head. "How come, Annabeth?"

"I wasn't invited." She said quietly.

Jason kept grinning. "Well, someone told me that inviting you was a good idea, so you're coming!" He winked. I blushed, but Annabeth's gaze flicked to Roger before resting on my blushing cheeks.

"Uh, you okay Percy?" I kept blushing, but nodded.

Annabeth's POV
Percy was blushing light pink. He nodded and turned his attention towards the teacher who walked in.

I sat at my desk in thought. Would Helen let me go to a party on the first day of school? I doubt she would drive me. I could ask one of my friends but... I still wasn't sure.

"Annabeth Chase?"

"Present!" I replied. I looked back at Percy's sea green eyes. I've never seen anyone with eyes like him.

"Well, Annabeth?" I snapped back to reality as the teacher asked me a question.

Percy covered his mouth and muttered the answer to me.

I repeated his answer to the teacher, and he nodded. "Good job, I thought you were daydreaming, but I apologize."

I nodded absentmindedly. Thank god Percy saved me from that embarrassing moment.

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