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"I've lost my patience

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"I've lost my patience... Underoos!" Tony called.
Peter appeared out of nowhere, webbed Steve hands and took his shield while landing perfectly.

"Nice job kid." Tony complimented him. "Thanks," Peter replied. "Well I could've stuck the landing a little better, it's just the new suit. Wait- uh... It's nothing Mr Stark, I-it's perfect, thank you." He rambled. Quinn laughed to herself at Peter's awkwardness.

"Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation." Tony informed him.
"Okay..." He sighed. "Captain," he saluted. "I'm spider-man". "Yeah, we'll talk about it later, good job." Tony said to Peter. "Hey everyone." Peter greeted and Quinn just rolled her eyes.

Steve put his hands in the air and an arrow cut through the webs.
"Alright Lang." Steve stated. Ant-man has shrunk, ran up beside spider-man and kicked him while grabbing Steve's shield. "I believe this is yours, captain America." Scott said proudly while handing the shield back to captain America.

"Hey! If you kiss his ass anymore, you might want to marry it!" Quinn called over at Ant-man. Tony and Natasha smirked, while Rhodey chuckled. He just turned towards her and glared.
"Okay kid, first of all-" Ant-man started, but was soon silenced by Steve.
Ant-man continued to glare at the blue haired teenager, that just smirked and placed a hand on her hip.

Quinn's attention was diverted to Steve when she heard him began to speak. "Quinn, I expected more from you. You're getting wrapped up in something you don't even fully understand. This isn't 1861, that war you'd learn about in school, this is different." He tried to explain to Quinn.

"That's where your wrong, Steve. I understand everything right now," Quinn began as she walked up to the front of the line beside Tony. "But you wanna know something about war? War never changes."

There was now only one option left for the two sides. 


Ant-man headed straight for Quinn, but was attacked by Natasha before he could reach her. She looked around and watched as the battle unfolded before her. Quinn looked over at the airport and caught the sight of two figures running inside.

"Hey Spider-boy, mind giving me a ride?
Barnes and Wilson are inside the airport." She stated pressing her finger against her comm.
"Spider-MAN. And okay, get ready." Peter replied while swinging towards her.

He quickly sweeped her off her feet and swung towards the airport. Quinn yet again caught sight of the two figures running. She noticed that they had spotted them, but Peter was way ahead of her.

He swung towards the large glass window and kicked it hard sending the two of them to crash through it. He gently dropped Quinn to ground and kicked Wilson across the room.
Barnes went to punch him, but Peter easily caught his arm.
He twisted Barnes arm and began to admire it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2021 ⏰

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