Chapter Five

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When I get home I rush up to my room, throw my bag onto my bed. I need to talk to Oli. He's been on my mind all day. Fuck, I missed him so much.

Direct Message
From: starsonfire97
To: littleprince216
3:26 PM 05/10/16

I had a strange day. It was... Good, though. I talked to a cute boy, again. And I thought about you, a lot. I think about what you look like, although I have no clue.

I don't expect him to reply right away, but he does and I can't stop my smile.

Direct Message
From: littleprince216
To: starsonfire97
3:27 PM 05/10/16

Strange? Tell me about it, Ty. I can't help but wonder what you imagine me to look like.

Do I describe Simon Snow? Or would that be too crude?

Direct Message
From: starsonfire97
To: littleprince216
3:29 PM 05/10/16

Well, you must have at least light hair, and perhaps blue eyes, because that's how you described your mother, right? A cute face. It's hard to explain. But I really imagine you with beautiful blue eyes and brilliant blonde hair. You're cute in my head, Oli.

There's no way it's Simon. I just really, really want it to be. But it could be. So I let myself imagine it being him. I imagine somehow revealing my identity in some drastically romantic way and he's all flustered, and his hands are covered in his sweater and his blue eyes are looking at me through glasses and he has such a big smile on his face. I imagine him running at me, his arms engulfing me in the best hug I've ever received, his face pressed into my neck. I knew it was you, he would say.

Fat fucking chance.

Direct Message
From: littleprince216
To: starsonfire97
3:41 PM 05/10/16

I can neither confirm or deny if what you think is true, but I'm extremely flattered.

Direct Message
From: starsonfire97
To: littleprince216
3:42 PM 05/10/16

It's kind of killing me not knowing who you are.

Direct Message
From: littleprince216
To: starsonefire97
3:44 PM 05/10/16

We should start a game. Every day we give away another clue to the other. Then, as the days go on, we can start guessing who the other is. One guess a day, One clue a day.

This is a really good idea. It's an amazing idea. It also happens to be an idea that puts me into a great deal of panic. Because I don't want him to be disappointed. Because I don't think I'll be as amazing as he seems to think I am. Because I'm absolutely terrified of letting him down.

Direct Message
From: starsonfire97
To: littleprince216
3:47 PM 05/10/16

Okay, sweet boy. Should we start today?

I'm sweating. I don't even think I can properly processing meeting this perfect boy.

Direct Message
From: littleprince216
To: starsonfire97
3:48 PM 05/10/16

Yes. I can start, if you want. You were right about the blonde hair.

Fuck I wasn't ready for this. My mind instantly thinks of every blonde boy I know, but I keep seeing Simon.

Direct Message
From: starsonfire97
To: littleprince216
3:49 PM 05/10/16

Blonde hair. The most beautiful I imagine. I have black hair. Not dyed, either.

Direct Message
From: littleprince216
To: starsonfire97
3:50 PM 05/10/16

Black hair. I'm thinking of everyone I know with black hair. Can I guess?

God, I'm not prepared for this. I want him to want it to be me. If he doesn't guess me, I'll be upset. If he does I'll have a panic attack.

Direct Message
From: starsonfire97
To: littleprince216
3:51 PM 05/10/16

Go ahead, dear prince.

It's easy to put up a façade online. I can act cool, smooth, and confident, even if in real life I have more anxiety than a baby bunny. It's why I'm afraid for him to know who I am.

Direct Message
From: littleprince216
To: starsonfire97
3:53 PM 05/10/16

Cris Malen.

I let out a sigh of relief and look at the screen. He didn't guess me. He guessed someone in my science class.

Direct Message
From: starsonfire97
To: littleprince216
3:54 PM 05/10/16

Nope. Although I have a class with him. So I guess you get two clues tonight. I guess... Taylor Frent.

It's a bullshit guess. I know it isn't him. He's straight as a stick. I don't even find him attractive. But, he has blonde hair. Dyed, I'm pretty sure, but blonde nonetheless. I'm not ready to guess Simon. I don't want to be disappointed if it isn't him. That isn't fair to Oli.

Direct Message
From: littleprince216
To: starsonfire97
3:55 PM 05/10/16

Not even close. Two clues? Does that mean I get two guesses?

I smile and run my fingers through my silky hair. He is.... Perfect. It's not fair to him for me to want it to be someone. I should let myself fall for him as he is, not as I want him to be.

Direct Message
From: starsonfire97
To: littleprince216
3:56 PM 05/10/16

Don't get greedy, Prince Oli. You should make dinner for your dad. I don't want you to get hurt tonight (or ever). I have some homework to do and I have to help with one of my sisters but I promise to be here when you're back.

Direct Message
From: littleprince216
To: starsonfire97
3:57 PM 05/10/16

Okay. Fengári kai ta astéria mou.

That's all he sends. All he needs to send, to make me unbelievably flustered. It's in another language - Greek - and I know exactly what it says. He must have looked up the translation because he knows I study it. I can feel my stomach flip and my cheeks heat up. Fuck, I'm falling in love with someone I've never met.

My moon and stars.

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