Chapter 5

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Frisk and Chara continued to walk through the snowy forest, and Chara couldn't help but notice that there were a lot of dogs here.

Like, a lot.

There were the pair of dogs- Dogamy and Dogaressa, Lesser Dog, Greater Dog, and of course just your little minor monsters.

This world seemed infatuated with puns now. Well, all comedy was derived from fear, I suppose.

Frisk had solved many, many puzzles with Papyrus and Sans, who both seemed like interesting characters. Later that day, darkness started to settle over the underground- which was strange, since they were underground anyway so what sort of daylight cycle would they have?

"Chara, do you know anywhere we could stay the night round here?" Frisk asked, still shivering slightly, even whilst wearing two sweaters.

"Well, there's the Inn that the shopkeeper told us about when we bought the cinnamon buns, but I don't know if we have enough for it..." Chara said, rummaging through the bag for any spare coins.

"We literally have 5G now, after splashing out on seven, SEVEN cinnamon buns. Did you really need seven? I mean you are the only one that eats them, so that's literally seven for you. You must really like them, huh?" Chara chuckled, throwing Frisk a cinnamon bun, which Frisk caught- just.

"Well, actually, I was thinking ahead- you're becoming more and more corporeal which means that pretty soon, you're gonna need to eat just as me. And from what I've heard, you're going to have built up on hell of a hunger." Frisk stated, grinning toward them.

"Wow, you're one quick thinking kid. So, onto the more current method. Where the hell are we gonna sleep tonight?" Chara asked, looking around Snowdin.

"WHAT, HUMAN? DO YOU REQUIRE A PLACE TO SLEEP? I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, SHALL HUMBLY OFFER YOU MY HOME AS A PLACE TO REST!" Yelled Papyrus. Chara noted that Papyrus literally never spoke at a tone of voice lower that a shout.

"P-Papyrus, are you sure?" Frisk asked, not wanting to intrude on the brothers home.

"Doubt your bro'll be too happy about that Paps." Chara sniped with a low chuckle. They were still puzzled by why Sans seemed to hate them so much.

Papyrus shook his head, assuring them that Sans wasn't like that. Chara was overwhelmed by Papyrus. He reminded them of someone else they once knew.

Filled with a sense of naive curiosity, filled with a desperate want to explore and succeed. It was something rare, to be treasured.

Frisk looked at Chara hopefully, pleading with their eyes to stay with the skeletons. Begrudgingly, Chara agreed, giving a slight nod.

Shouting in excitement, Frisk leapt up and gave Papyrus a strong hug. Chara noted that Frisk had come a long way since first falling down here.

They were in no way overcoming their depression- that was something which would take a long time, Chara knew this.

But just being down here had changed their mindset that little but, made them a little more... determined.

The three headed to the skeleton brothers home, which Frisk had been to before on their date with Papyrus.

Chara didn't enjoy that experience at all. Despite the fact that Frisk had been a little upset about being "friend zoned" by Papyrus, Chara had been overjoyed.

Not that they wanted Frisk themself, they just felt as though Frisk may be better suited as friends with Papyrus. Yeah, that was it.

Nothing else. At all.

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