Chapter 10 (Drip Drop!!!! Snow Drops)

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Jeremy POV
     I was wondering who I will find next. I have already saved my mother. So whose next? I can pick between Nashi, Mel and Snow. Ah Snow....where are you my Snow Princess. "Jeremy-sama!!" Said a voice. And I know whose voice that belongs to. Snow?! I went to the sound of my voice to see Snow in a crystal! "Huhuhu Again! My Collection! She's safe now. And so will you" said the red haired man, then a light appeared. I was standing outside of the cave with my mom and snow still sleeping. I am glad to have them again.

Storm POV
     .............................I HAVE BEEN RUNNING FOR 10 MINUTES AND NOT EVEN A SINGLE PERSON I HAVE FOUND!!!!! "Drip drop" said a voice, 'drip drop? Snow?!' I thought. The only one I know who will say that is Snow. I ran and ran "Don't worry Snow, Onii-chan is he~re" I said, but no Snow but a Blue haired woman. "Who are you?" I ask. "She is safe, you will meet her at the outside of the cave. You have 1 choice left" said the red haired man and left. "WAIT THE HELL MINUTE!!!! SHE WAS NOT MY CHOICE!!!! I DON'T EVEN KNOW HER!!! TAKE IT BACK!!! I NEED TO FIND SNOW AND NASHI!!!" I yelled, but no response. ..............I CAN ONLY PICK BETWEEN NASHI AND SNOW TO SAVE NOW!!!!! OH NO!!!!!!!!!

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