Part 2

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Elliana's POV

Happiness. It was exactly what I felt when I looked into his eyes. I hadn't felt it since my mother died, since I was in her presence last. I looked away from his piercing forest green orbs before I could get too caught up, and I looked down to my hands. No way, was this kid about to come in and break down my walls so easily. I kept my eyes to the floor as I felt him shuffle into the chair next to me, and my palms started to sweat slightly. I was anxious, I didn't know these people, and now here they are waltzing into my life. I was broke out of my thoughts when my dad cleared his throat, and I looked up. "Now, I want to make an announcement." I started picking at my fingertips, a nasty habit I had acquired over the years. What was he going to say? Who was it about? I became nervous, but as the words fell from his lips, my heart dropped.

"Anne and I are getting married!"

Harry's POV

I wasn't fazed, I had already learned this information, but by the looks of it, Elliana hadn't. I had been studying her features this whole time, and as soon as her dad spoke, her eyes widened and her mouth fell open. She abruptly stood, causing her wooden chair to squeak against the tile floor of the café. She said nothing as tears brimmed in her eyes and she ran out the door of the café, sprinting down the street.

Elliana's POV

I didn't know where I was going and I didn't care. They were getting married? What the fuck? How could he not tell me? And how could he marry someone 4 months after my mother's death? Unbelievable. I slowed my pace to a walk and found myself at a park. It was fairly deserted so I sat myself down on a swing, slowly kicking my feet back and forth. The wood chips beneath me were making indentations in the dirt under them as my black converse moved freely. Tears continued flowing as I thought about the news I just heard. How could he? I was furious with my dad, but half of me was disappointed as well. This is not what my mom would have wanted. Why did she have to go? Why did she leave me? I buried my head in my hands, drowning in my thoughts.

Harry's POV

As soon as she bolted out the door, her dad stood up, calling her name. "Elliana! Get back here!" By now the whole café was looking at us, wondering why we were causing such a fuss. "I'll go get her." He spoke. For some reason, I felt the need to go find her myself, so I quickly made up an excuse. "Mr. Thompson, she's just confused right now, but I don't think she'll want to speak with you, with all due respect. How about I go get her and bring her back here?" I asked carefully, not trying to sound rude. I didn't care about this guys feelings, but I wanted to make sure she was okay so I needed to get out of here. "Uh, sure, Harry. Thank you." He said, gaze boring into mine. I nodded and ran out the door of the café, desperate to find her. I didn't know why, but something was just drawing me to her. Not like I liked her or anything, hell no. But something about the way her eyes held a certain sadness in them made me want to find out why. They made me want to find out what was wrong, and how I could fix it. I knew how it felt to have no one to talk to and to be lost, and that was the last thing I wanted her to feel. I fled down the street trying to decipher where she would have gone. I passed many places that she could have been in, but none of them seemed right. McDonalds? No. The Dress Shoppe? No. God damnit, where was she? I slowed down and sighed when I saw a park up ahead, deserted except for one girl on the swings. She held her head in her hands, and was slowly kicking her feet. I knew immediately that it was her, but I didn't rush over. She looked deep in thought, as anyone would be at this point. As I approached I saw her hands wet from the tears dripping into them and heard her muffled sobs. I didn't know what to do, so I simply sat down on the swing next to her. Her breathing became rapid as she noticed my presence, and snapped, "What do you want, Harry?" I was taken aback by her response, but didn't  let it phase me, she was just upset. "I- I was just coming to see if you were alright." I was pleased with my response, but all Elliana did was stand up in rage. "If I'm alright? No I'm no fucking alright, Harry! Who would be alright in this situation! How could you even say such a thing, you have no idea what it feels like!" Her face burned red in anger, and I balled my fists. "Sorry to break it to you, but you aren't the only one who's hurting right now! You know I lost one of my parents too, Elliana! It's not like you are the only fucking person affected by this! You think I want my mother sleeping with some man just a year after my father died? Well I don't, but I'm not gonna stand in the way of her happiness. Jesus fucking Christ, have some respect!" I screamed. I turned around and walked to the slide area, sitting on a platform, the tears threatening to spill. I knew I had hurt her, but she had to hear it. She wasn't the only one going through change. She didn't say anything after I walked away, but after a minute I felt her presence behind me.
"I'm sorry, Harry." She whispered. "Yeah." I muttered. I was furious, but as soon as she put her hand on my shoulder, all I could feel was sparks, and I melted under her touch.

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