Part 3

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Elliana's POV

I felt really bad for what I said to Harry. I didn't know him, and I didn't know anything about him, it wasn't my place to speak on what had happened in his life. I guess I was just overwhelmed. With the news of the marriage, I was furious, and I needed to take it out on someone. I placed my hand on his shoulder, and I swear I felt him shiver. But, I marked it off as just tension and let it go as I breathed the words, 'I'm sorry, Harry" for the second time tonight. He didn't say anything this time, instead he jus took a deep breath and let it out slowly, his shoulders dipping in the process. I sat down next to him and took this time to get a good look at him. His jawline was prominent and his brown curls cascaded over his forehead partially covered by his beanie. His lips were pink and plump and his eyes were a piercing shade of green, reminding me of the trees behind my house. Harry really was quite attractive, although I would never say that thought out loud. He was my step brother, for goodness sake. How could I have these thoughts about him?

Harry's POV

How could I have these thoughts about her? I could feel her staring at me with those dull blue eyes and it took everything I had not to look over at her and smash my lips onto hers. I sighed deeply when she finally removed her hand from my arm, already feeling myself craving her touch again. it was the simplest things she would do that would set me off, and I hadn't even known her for an hour. I kept trying to shake these ideas out of my head. She was going to be my step sister. We were going to share the same house. I couldn't keep thinking about how she licks her lips every so often or how she tucks the stray pieces of hair falling loosely from her ponytail behind her ears. It was insane how such a short time with someone can impact you so much. I looked into the distance to see the sun setting slowly, signaling we should be headed back soon. Taking the words right out of my mouth, she said, "It's getting pretty dark, we should probably go back." I nodded, standing up with her reluctantly. She paused for a minute, almost like she was going to say something, but she didn't. She just brushed off her pants, and began walking toward the café. I followed behind her, my eyes glued to my feet. Did she feel anything that I felt? Was I just insane? Obviously I was. Who could be in love with a guy like me? Harry Styles, the bad boy. The player. Most girls fell at my feet, but for some reason, Elliana just didn't seem like one of them. I was so deep in thought that I didn't even realize when we were back at the café. She opened the door and walked in, her father standing up immediately. "Elliana Grey Thomson!" He sit, clearly angry with her. "How could you do such an immatu-" "Sir, it's okay. She's fine, I'm fine, everyone's fine." I cut him off, I didn't want him yelling at her like that, we had already caused enough of a scene. He pursed his lips, but slowly nodded, breathing out a long sigh. "Well, I suppose we should be going. It's getting late. I'm so sorry, this wasn't supposed to go like this." I smiled, "No, it's quite alright. It went perfectly." I said. Elliana shot me a confused look, but I just continued smiling as my Mom exchanged hugs with Mr. Thompson and lead me out of the door.

Let's just say that Elliana was the only thing on my mind that night.

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