Dirty Little Secret

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Class dragged that day. Probably because I couldn't wait to hang out with Joey for my drum lessons...Anyways, when we finally got out I rushed to my locker to get my things and then headed for Joey. the only trouble was, Jazz. she stepped out in front of me and blocked my path staring down at me. "look," I said firmly, "I get that you don't like me, I really do. The feelings mutual ok? But I don't want any more trouble than the next guy so whaddya say you let me go through before I gotta do something you'll regret." Jazz stared at me indifferently, like she knew something. "Have fun at Joe's today" she said with a smirk. "Yeah....Uh, thanks. I will?" I replied hesitantly. Jazz just giggled and walked away but before she was out of sight she turned her head just long enough to say "tell his father I said hi would you?" And with that her head snapped back around and we went our separate ways.

I didn't think much of Jazz at the time and rushed over to Joey's locker. Before turning the corner I grabbed my phone out of my pocket to make sure my hair wasn't a total wreck. Lame, I know, but I couldn't help but worry about it. When I rounded the corner Joey was standing there with his phone out. "Hey!" I said from a few feet away. he quickly shoved his phone in his pocket and replied "Hey! I was just....I was letting my mom know we were on our way." "Well, better get going then," I told him. So, we began our walk over to Joey's which, for the most part, was just like the walk to my house.

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