Behind Closed Doors

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      The first face I saw was the face of Joey's mother who seemed so familiar because of the many times I had heard her voice. "Hello kids" his mother smiled gently as we walked in through the door. "hey mom" Joey said as he gulped nervously but I was still unsure why. "Listen Sammi, there's something you should know about my dad..." In Joey's hesitation at that moment his father burst in through the door saying "80! What time is this girl coming over and when should I leave topic up the pizza and god dammit can somebody help me with this tie!" The whole time he babbled he fiddled with a tie and my mouth hung open from the second I saw his face. I couldn't believe what I was seeing and Joey had anticipated it. His father, the voice I had heard only once, the man I had brought up to Joey, the guy I knew he looked like, was actually his father. "Sammi" Joey said as his father realized I was standing there "this is my dad..." I shut my mouth instantly when  I realized it was still open. My mind was racing as I tried to keep my cool like I promised Joey I would but that's hard to do when the one and only Billie Joe Armstrong is standing right in front of you.

           "Excuse me" said Billie Joe or....erm...his dad as he straightened his tie. "I don't believe we've met" He stuck out his hand and I dumbly stuck mine out to shake his. When he grabbed my hand I was in shock and could hardly breathe. The one and only Billie Joe Armstrong was touching my hand! I must not have let go because his...uh..Billie, laughed as he let go. "She's pretty Joey" He said to his son and I couldn't believe what he had just said about me. "Although" Billie continued "I do believe you forgot to mention my name to her." "That's ok sir." I said managing to find my voice. "I know who you are." He laughed and said "Good. I know who you are too." He smiled back at his son and Joey walked me over to the table for dinner. "You good?" Joey asked me as I sat down slightly dazed. "Yeah" I replied slowly and in shock. "Why didn't you..." I left my sentence Hanging and Joey explained "I didn't want your opinion about me to change" and suddenly I understood. I was still unhappy that he had kept something from me but I understood.

        Dinner proceeded as I answered a series of questions and got to know his family. Billie...I mean, Joey's father, was really cool and actually really nice too. By 7 that night I was completely comfortable around his family, including his father. My Aunt Brenda arrived promptly and Joey walked me to the car with a smile. "Thanks for keeping your cool back there" Joey said as we arrived to the end of the driveway. "No problem" I replied "But...You coulda given me some kind of warning!" I said as I laughed at the ground. "So we're cool?" Joey asked as if knowing that I was upset he had kept it from me. However, he knew I couldn't stay mad long and I replied "Yes, we're cool." "Good." The next moment we were hugging and before he let me get to the car he snuck a quick kiss on my lips.   

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