Chapter Three

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"Class Dismiss" The Teacher said to the class. I get Up, grab my stuff, and leave with Juliet. We both go to lunch together.

"Emily where you going?" She says looking at me with that questioning look.

"I'm going to tell Marcel to sit with us."

"No! Emily we Been through this. We don't want that loser there."

"He's no loser. Once you get to know him he the sweetest guy you'll ever know."

"I don't want to know him, he's pathetic." Juliet says

"Then I'll sit with him."

I leave her and go sit with Marcel. When I place my lunch on the table, he looks up at me and smiles at me.

"Hey, Marcel" I say

"Hello, Emily! I didn't know you were going to sit here."

"Well I rather sit with you to be honest."

"Well.. how are you in your math class?"

"Not well Marcel not well.."

"Why not?"

"I still need your help. I was thinking today may work?"

"Of course today can work! Plus Harry isn't home until later night, so he won't be there to annoy you ."

I nod to Marcel and take a bite of my food and drink a little bit of water.



"Why were those guys were scared of Harry the other night?"

"You haven't heard ?"

"Heard of what?"

"They usually call him Angels Death."

"Oh.. I did heard of him a couple of times, but why do they call him like that?"

"Because he looks like an angel but he actually death . I know it's confusing but that how they call him." Marcel say to me and I gave him a confused look.

"But the part I do not understand is why are they terrified by him?" I said.

"Because he's that kinda person you don't want to be messing with. He's able to kill a guy with his two fist. He doesn't need a gun. There times he needs his gun but most of the time are just his fist."

"Wow I never knew Harry was like that... I took him as a punk kid trying to act tough.."

"Well he's not and that's why I rather you stay away from him Emily."

"Don't worry Im not planning to get near him ." I say to Marcel and I smiled at him.

That's when the guys and my ex boyfriend come to the table where me and Marcel are sitting.

"Emily.. why are you with this pathetic loser?" My ex boyfriend mike says.

"Mike leave me alone. Me and Marcel are having a conversation, now go" I say

That's when he grabs Marcel's glasses and throw them on the floor and smashes them with his foot.

"Mike! Stop!" I say to him and Marcel seems not to fight back.

Then one of Mike's friends grabs Marcel face and slams it on the table on his food. He really slams him hard .

I stand up and push one of mike's friends off of him and sit next to Marcel to see if he was okay.

They leave laughing and they high five each other and I hurry to take Marcel to the Bathroom.

"Are you okay Marcel?" I say concern.

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