Advance Notice

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Y/n was currently walking to her house when she noticed that the leaves on the trees were starting to turn red, orange, and other Fall colors. She continued down the walkway when she noticed something on her doorstep, as she was barely a block away from her home.

 She grabbed the 'something' and walked inside her house. She was going to check upon her precious treasure, the Amethyst Crown. She unlocked the lasers and other traps protecting it, by pressing a small button on the inside of her shorts pocket. She looked at the crown and swiftly pressed the button again, which turned on the various traps. She called out for her parents and started reading the card from the door. It was an advance notice and it read; 'Tonight, I will be stealing the Amethyst Crown, Phantom Thief Joker'. She thought she had heard the name before, but nothing came to her mind.

'Oh my, I really am a mess, aren't I?' she thought. She ran upstairs and turned on the shower. She took off her clothing and started to bathe, when she looked at the clock and saw it was already 6:00 PM. 'That weird Joker guy may come soon! She would have to prepare.' She quickly put on her underwear then her tank top and the same shorts she had on before.

 When she went downstairs, she saw a glimpse of what seemed like a young man with white hair, a top hat, and a red suit. She instantly put the traps on and what seemed to be a glimpse or her imagination, became reality. She felt accomplished, but not quite. "Why are you here? To steal my treasure?!" She was obviously annoyed and she could feel tears brim her dark eyes. "Yeah, sorry. Just, don't cry. But hey, how you did manage to catch me?" the man asked. "Your buddy can come out, and who are you two? Why do you want the crown?" she replied, not answering the man's question. "Okay, come out Hachi! Oh, and I gave you a note remember? I'm Phantom Thief Joker." the man called out as a short, young boy came out from hiding behind the kitchen wall of her house.

 She gently threw the young boy into a different cage than Joker. "I'm calling the cops." She said sternly to the two boys. "Wait please don't! Let us out, and we'll leave peacefully, I swear!" The two boys cried out in unison. She was too much of a pushover. "Fine, but you SWORE. Remember that." She said as she freed them.

 As they were about to run out she quickly and quietly got kissed on the cheeks from Joker, when Hachi just hugged the petite girl. 'I wasn't prepared for this...' she thought to herself. She was neat, Joker-sama!" Hachi said happily, after getting out of the girl's house and climbing into Jack's car. "Yeah, and I think I've found my new treasure..." he replied with and smirk and started writing an advance notice to the girl (A/n The girl is you). Hachi looked at him in curiosity, wondering what he was writing an advance note, even though they JUST came back from a theft, (even if it wasn't completed) for.



I'mm a be super lazy and make this super short 'cuz I'm a dumb fool.

Jesus, I sucked big time at writing back then. Although I mean it was my first fic and I hated writing. ^^'

Ah well, I hope you guys enjoyed. Exams start tomorrow at school. Wish me luck. T^T


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