New Treasure

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Y/N got another note the next morning. It was from the same person, Phantom Thief Joker. She was  confused about the treasure he was talking about, as it didn't explain what treasure he was after, so you set it down on the table in the kitchen. She made some cereal, just some honey nut cheerios, and grabbed some milk. She put everything together and turned the TV on. 'Huh, let's put on the news.' she thought and did as well. She heard the front door slam as if it were opening and quickly ran to the door.

She ran to the door and saw the tall young man that she saw the night before. It was Joker. "What treasure do you want this time?" she said and he smirked. Y/N hated that smirk of his, and before she could say anything else he swiped her legs and put them over his arm and swiftly carried her. He put a mask that covered her eyes completely. He also put a ball gag in Y/N's small mouth. She was scared shit-less. First, she had no clue what was going on and second, she suddenly hears a door slam and a car start. He put her small body that looked very weak at the moment in the car as she started to squirm around, attempting to get out of an uncomfortable position and into a softer one that she liked.

Joker put her into the car and started driving where Hachi and the Sky Joker was. Once he did get there Hachi looked at him confused and shocked as he saw Y/N all tied up, blind, and unable to talk. "Ooooh... Joker-sama are you going to do, what I think you're going to do?~" Hachi cooed. Joker looked with a confused look at Hachi, not understanding what he was implying, and once he figured out what he meant his face flushed a very dark red. But it was true, he wanted to do it, especially with Y/N. Joker grabbed Y/N out of the car and almost flew up the ladder to get to the Sky Joker. Once he got there, he put her on his bed and took off the mask and gag that were sitting on her sleeping face. Joker took in her beauty and flawless face. Only then did he feel his pants tightening. 'OH CRAP!' he yelled loudly inside of his head. He got into the same bed as her, except he was only in his boxers.



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