Moonlight Cuddles

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Summary- Dan gets all upset after getting a lot of hate comments on a recent video and Phil tries to cheer him up.

Genre- Fluffy/Angst

Words- 1057

Warning- Depression, some swearing.


Dan's POV

I scrolled through the new comments on my recent video "What not to do on Public Transportation", which I had posted a couple days ago. The first few comments were ok, they were encouraging, happy, and positive, but then the negative ones hit.

There were ones saying, "Stupid faggot, get off YouTube", and "Ew ugly cunt, stop burning my eyes and making my ears bleed", and many more filled with hate, littering the entire comment section.

All these comments struck Dan hard in the gut. They physically hurt him. He was making videos to make others happy and to show them that they weren't the only ones dealing with these everyday problems like he was. But all he was getting was negative feedback. He was really hurt, he just wanted to make his subscribers happy, but he wasn't happy himself.

He started to slowly crumble, the world around him starting to fade and turn black, and then he started to fall, hitting the carpet really hard, making his vision fade even more. He felt tears streaming from his eyes and down his face. He was horrible. Ugly. Stupid. A big fat faggot and cunt just like all those people had said in the comments.

He started to curl up into a ball next to his bed. His hands started to shake violently as more tears streamed down his face onto the floor and onto his black shirt.

Phil's POV

I was downstairs eating a bowl of cereal while scrolling through my Tumblr feed mindlessly. Until I heard a thud from Dan's bedroom. I had assumed that he probably fell out of his chair again but I was gonna go check just to make sure that he was ok.

I set my laptop and bowl of cereal down on the table and got up to go check on Dan.
I walked up to his door and knocked. No reply. I pushed it open a little bit, peering into my flatmates room. I heard some small whimpers and sobs coming from behind Dan's bed. I walked around the bed to see Dan curled up in a ball on the floor. Crying.

I asked him, "Dan, what is wrong???"

Dan sprung up and said, "WHY DO YOU CARE PHIL, IM USELESS AND STUPID, AND UGLY, AND WORTHLESS" he stopped for a second then said, "NO ONE LIKES ME!!!!" then he hit his hand against the table his camera was on with a really loud thud, the camera wobbling a little, nearly falling before Phil caught it. He started crying more, his shirt getting even more wet.

Phil ran up to him and pulled him into a warm embrace.

"Dan, I don't hate you, I love you, your not ugly or worthless, or whatever else you said, and you are definitely not alone, I'm right here." Phil started to trace circles into Dan's back in a attempt to calm him down.

Dan tucked his head into Phil's chest getting Phil's shirt a little wet, which Phil didn't really mind. Dan then said into Phil's chest, "But it seems like almost no one likes me, and I attempt to make videos to make people happy but then they all start to hate me"

Then Phil replied, " Dan, don't listen to the haters, they are just trying to bring you down, they are horrible people."

Dan then says, "I know but they seem to be everywhere, and I hate it a lot" he lets out more sobs into Phil's shirt.

Phil strokes Dan's hair in another attempt to calm him down more, then he puts his hand under Dan's chin and pulls his face up to his so Phil can look into his eyes.

"Please listen to me Dan, never listen to those haters, I love you, you are beautiful, and you are very talented, and I love you just the way you are"

He then cups Dan's cheeks in his hands and says, "I love you so much, please don't forget that", then Phil leans in and puts his lips on Dan's. They both fit together perfectly, just like a puzzle. They both had their eyes closed as their lips started to move in a perfect rhythm against each other.

Then Phil puts his hands through Dan's hair and pulls him closer, deepening the kiss as Dan puts his arms around Phil's neck. Then Phil traces Dan's lips with his tongue asking for entrance to his mouth. Dan excepts then Phil slips his tongue into his mouth, tracing his teeth and a little bit of Dan's tongue as Dan slips his tongue into Phil's mouth.

Then they both have to pull back for air. They were both breathing loudly as they leaned their heads together. They both started into their eyes in perfect silence, until Dan says, "Phil I'm tired... Will you maybe... Sleep with me tonight?" Phil nodded then said, "yes, anything for my little bear" then he pecks Dan on the lips.

They both climb into Dan's bed together and laid staring at each other, just lost in how magnificent they both were. It was beautiful.

Soon Dan started to slowly fall asleep. Before he fell asleep he said, "I love you Lion", and Phil replied with a small peck on Dan's lips and said, "I love you too Bear". Then Dan drifted off to sleep and Phil just laid there, staring at his beautiful boyfriend, sparkling a little from the moonlight that came through his window. He put his hand on Dan's cheek one more time and planted a kiss on Dan's head before pulling Dan into his chest.

Phil laid his head over Dan's head as Dan snuggled into Phil's chest, and soon Phil drifted off into sleep and they both slept happily together in the little moonlight that came through the windows.


So guys, how did you like it? It was the first ever Phan One-shot I wrote, it's actually pretty much the first fanfiction I've ever written. I'm sorry if there's some grammar errors I may have missed... Well, I hope you guys enjoy! I'll try to write more!!! -K8

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