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Summary- Dan and Phil just go to hang out in the park just as friends till Dan decides to confess his real feelings to Phil.

Genre- Really light fluff


Warnings- none


Dan's POV

It was a beautiful night in the park. There weren't any people in the park since they had all left for the night and all you could hear were the distant cars, zooming down the busy city streets.

Dan and Phil walked down the lonely path, they had decided to get some fresh air by walking through the deserted park. They had been filming an Undertale video all day and Dan had just finished editing it. They just needed a break from all that.

Dan was quiet for a while just starring down at the path, if he looked at Phil he wouldn't be able to stop himself from staring at his beauty.

They quietly walked down the path sort of enjoying the silence between them as the fireflies flew around them, blinking on and off like a dying lightbulb.

Then soon Dan's legs got tired, "Philllll, can we sit down somewhereeeeee???". Phil replied, "Sure, I know the perfect place", he lead Dan through some trees until they got to a small clearing.

It was actually beautiful, the moonlight shown down perfectly on it, and there were a couple of lightning bugs that lit up around the clearing.

Phil walked over into the center of the clearing and sat down, patting the grass next to him asking Dan to sit next to him.

Dan came over and laid down on the grass, it was a little itchy but he didn't mind it that much.

Phil just laid there next to Dan, looking at the stars and the fireflies passing by. But Dan wasn't really interested in ether of those, he was more interested in starring at Phil. He was more beautiful then the stars and the fireflies combined.

After they were silent for a few minutes Phil looked over at Dan. Warm chocolate eyes against sea blue eyes.

"Is something wrong Dan?", Phil asked, pulling Dan out of his trance.

Dan suddenly snapped back into focus and spoke, "Oh no no no, nothing is wrong... Well actually there is one thing...", Dan was risking this, Dan just couldn't hold this in any longer, he had to tell Phil.

"And what would that be Dan?", Phil said as he shifted to his side so he could properly look at Dan.

"'vesortofreallylikedyoulikemorethenlikeandIdontknowhowyoullfeelaboutmesayingallofthis, I'm sorry", Dan nervously said.

Phil didn't catch a thing Dan said, "Wait, what? I didn't understand a thing you said."

Dan cleared his throat,"Well Phil...I love you, I've liked you for a long time now, like ever since we had started skyping, and I was so scared to tell you because I thought you would start to hate me, and your like my best friend...I'm sorry Phil...", Dan finished as he moved his head towards the sky clamping his eyes shut, the sides of his lips curling down a bit, not wanting to look at Phil's face if he was mad at him.

Phil's POV

I was shocked... Dan liked me in the same way??? Wow, I know he would stare at me a lot, and he starred at me so much that the fans literally had a name for it, "Heart Eyes Howell", but Phil always thought Dan starred just in a friendly way you know.

Phil never thought that Dan would like him in the same way that he liked Dan...

I put my finger under his chin and softly pulled his head towards me, he opened his eyes, a little surprised at Phil's small movements, "Dan, I would never hate you, in fact I actually love you too"

I leaned in and kissed his soft lips. It was just a small kiss, nothing really deep.

I pulled away and kissed Dan right in the center of his forehead, then kissed him on both of his cheeks, then I leaned my forehead against Dan's and stared into his warm coco eyes.

"I actually love you so so much bear, more then anything"

He smiled then said, "I love you too Lion, thank you so much"

"No problem my little bear", I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. I tangled one hand into his hair as he nudged his head into my chest and let out a sigh just enjoying the warm moment.

It started to get really humid and a little to hot since it was in the middle of summer, it was even hot at night, so they had to pull away since they both were starting to sweat.

Both of them were laying on their backs just starring at the stars again. They intertwined their fingers, then leaned their heads together.

Then Dan broke the silence, "What if we fall asleep here?", Phil replied, "That's ok, no one will find us behind all the trees"

Then they both looked at the stars one more time then Phil started to drift off into sleep, the last thing he heard was, "I love you so much Philly", and before he fell asleep he said, "I love you too Danny".

Then they both fell asleep, the fireflies dancing around them as the moonlight flew down on them, it was beautiful.


That sort of sucked, I wasn't really feeling it , I don't know, and I know this type of story, like the confess, end up liking each other, then fall in love type is so un-original, but this wouldn't be a true phan one-shots if I didn't have that kind of story ;) your welcome, and sorry if there are any grammar errors! -Kate, your fellow neighborhood trash can

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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