Nightmare - Hetalia Child!Iceland FanFiction

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Child!Iceland's PoV

I was skipping about in a field colored with rainbow colors and trees with the same colorful leaves, branches and trunks. I was skipping about happily with a basket of flowers in unfathomable colors. I looked out over the sunrise and saw Big Brother Norway in the distance. 

I smiled, running towards him when suddenly, there was a screech and a dragon appeared, setting the scene ablaze. There was screaming and I noticed that it set Big Brother on fire! I hurriedly ran towards him through the flames, burning myself in the process. 

"B-Big Brother!" I called as he fell to the floor, skin charred and blood all over the place.

"N-Nei... Nei! B-Big Brother, wake up! D-Don't die!" I screamed, tears streaming down my cheeks as I found his dead body in the ocean of flames.

But then, my eyes opened, and I turned to see Big Brother Norway was perfectly fine... I leaped forwards, wrapping my arms around his neck and crying into his chest.

"You're okay, lillebror. Big brother has you now," he whispered into my ear, putting a gentle hand through my hair as I cried. As my crying calmed down, I pulled away from him slightly.

"What happened, lillebror?"

"I-It was a n-nightmare..." I muttered and he seemed to realize something a second afterwards. He lifted me up, carrying me all the way to Mr. Denmark's bedroom and knocking.

"Oh hey, Norge, what's up?" He asked tiredly.

"You were in Iceland's room last night," Big Brother said, glaring at him.

"What, nej, why would I have gone into Ice's room?"

"You scared him," Norway hissed and Mr. Denmark looked a bit scared and nervous.

"N-Nej..." Big Brother grabbed the collar of Mr. Denmark's sleeping clothing, pulling him down and choking him.

"What the hell did you do to my lillebror?" I cringed at the bad word.

"J-Just a noise... like this..." he made the same noise the dragon in my dream made and I burried my face in Big Brother's chest.

"Lillebror, go to your room and play with Puffin," Norway said, setting me down and letting me go. However, I decided to hide around the corner and listen to what Mr. Denmark would say.

"You're an idiot. You gave my lillebror a nightmare and he woke up crying!" Big Brother said angrily.

"I-I'm sorry, Norge! I was just passing by and thought it would be funny! I-I-I didn't mean to make Icy cry!"

"Do you want me to leave you like Sweden and Finland did?" I cringed again. When Mr. Sweden and Mr. Finland left, Mr. Denmark was very sad and if Big Brother and I left, he would be all alone!

"N-Nej... please don't leave me, Norge..."

"I wasn't planning on it, but if you make my lillebror wake up like that again, then I'll be mad," I heard footsteps trailed towards me and ran away to my room and began playing with Mr. Puffin until he Big Brother walked in.

"I hope you're okay, lillebror. Denmark won't be scaring you like that again," he gave me a smile which was rare, but I wasn't in the best mood for smiles.

"Are we leaving Mr. Denmark?" he seemed a bit surprised that I asked the question but shook his head.

"Nei, we're not leaving the idiot," I smiled at him.

"Good!" I smiled widely at him and he seemed happy enough at that. So he left me to simply play with Puffin... At least we weren't leaving, right?


A few translations from Google Translate for those of you who don't know what these words mean:

lillebror - little brother (Norwegian)

Nei - No (Norwegian)

Nej - No (Danish)

Admin: There you have it, a nice little oneshot that I whipped up from some weird conversation I had. I was making this weird noise that I decided upon calling a 'dragon noise' while talking with my mom when my brother came in. I came up with the weird idea of making that sound in his ear while he slept and said it would be like him dreaming about rainbows when a dragon appears and burns everything... I think I made it a bit scary for a little country to dream up though... whatever.

Iceland: Y'know, I never had nightmares as a child.

Admin: I doubt that. If I were to ask Norway, what would he say?

Iceland: D-Don't ask him!

Admin: That's what I thought! Well, thanks for reading and I hope you liked it! If you did, please vote, comment, whatever you want really~

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2013 ⏰

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