Finally, some pants.

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Hani's P.O.V.

What the hell did I just walk into?

"Hey Hani-" Y/n says. "Thanks."

"It's no problem n/n-chan!" I say with my biggest grin in an attempt to mask my confusion.



"Where are we going?"

"Well I was thinking we could go to a cafe down the street from school and you could explain to me what exactly happened in there and why I saw Haruhi punch a wall... Is that ok?" I ended in my adorable boy Lolita voice to make her feel less intimidated.

"That sounds great Hani! But... Can we get me some pants first...?" She asks nervously.

I look over to see her face turn candy apple red, and soon mine mimicked hers.

How did I not realize she was in her underwear?! I'm such an idiot!

"I-I'm so sorry! Of course there's probably some extra pants at the nurse's office I'll take you there right now!" I blurt out faster than I intended.

I grabbed her hand and I immediately begin dragging her in the direction of our destination.

She probably thinks I'm an even bigger perv than Tamaki!

Y/N's P.O.V.
We passed a lot of people who either scoffed, laughed, or whistled at me as I was being pulled to the nurse's office.

This is a nightmare.

Once I saw the nurse's office, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me to the nearest nurse.

"Young lady, what are you doing in your undergarments?! You know indecency is unladylike, and cause for immediate expulsion?" The haggard looking nurse lectured, completely ignoring my obviously horrified expression.

"M-may I please b-borrow some p-pants ma'am?" I stutter.

The woman simply tosses a pair of skinny jeans at me and walks away.
After I finished putting my pants on, Hani leads me to a... LIMO?!

"Woah Hani, sweetie, you don't have to get a limo just for us to go talk at a cafe!" I say with an awkward laugh.

"How else would we get there?" Hani questions genuinely confused.

"I don't know, walk maybe?"

"I would never make a fair princess such as yourself walk, you are my guest-and guests deserve limos." He said with a faint rose color approaching his cheeks.

"That sounds like something Tamaki would say!" I laugh and he joins me.

Hani reaches past the chauffeur and clicks open the door.

"My lady." He says bowing.

I giggled as I crawled into the back of the lavish vehicle.

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