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Late nights were normal for the scientist. She would watch the subjects sleep through security cameras. To be frank, she was surprised that two people survived the Quantum Gas. She didn't even think one degenerate would make it.

Two months have past since the genocide. For two months the scientist examined their new found abilities.

Daniel Anderson. The boy was the more intelligent out of the two survivors. During his combat training sessions, he relied on his brain, using the things around him to his advantage rather than going head on. The scientist favoured Daniel. Unfortunately, he didn't gain much from the quantum juice. It seemed like he only gained minor telekinesis from the mist.

The training for his abilities wasn't too exciting. At first he was restrained in a room with nothing but a plastic spoon. Out of boredom, he trained himself to move it. At first it would just wiggle around a bit, then it would move off the table until finally, he would move it around as if it was a paper airplane. Once he mastered the plastic spoon, the gradually increased the object size and mass.

Joelle Jones was the other survivor. At the mere age of 12, she excelled at hand to hand combat. She was as fast as a an adult. The scientist assumed that the Quantum Juice heightened the girls speed, strength, and endurance, but that wasn't the exciting part of the girls abilities.

She had the ability to set things on fire. The flames were hot and uncontrollable, the scientists suspected the flames represented her anger. Everything the girl did showed how anger she was. She would constantly insult people, even though she knew she would be punished. She would also fight without caring what injuries she would sustain, on the other hand she knew it wasn't permanent. Her wounds healed faster than normal.

The scientist flipped through the several files that were piled on her desk. She knew of villains with telekinesis but it seemed as if no one had pyrokinetic abilities. The scientist grit her teeth, how do we keep the girls abilities contained? She wondered. The preteen didn't even attempt to control it, she just let her fire burn wildly. She could hardly even hit her target with the fire blasts.

The scientist looked back up at the monitors to see the girl screaming in her sleep.

Joelle's POV

Sweat dripped down the side of my face as I sat down on a chair. I wanted to do something but I couldn't. I was literally tied down.

I stared at my family as sweat dripped the side of my face. They were all tied down and gagged while I was just tied down. The room was on fire. I don't know how or why, it just was.

"What do you plan on doing?" A voice taunted from beside me. It was the clown, I didn't even have to look to know who it was. "Here, let me help you cool down." I looked at him in confusion, only to have been squirted in the face with water.

A gave the man a murderous glare, "Kill me and let them go."

"Uh-uh-uh, that's not how the game goes." He lifted up his gun and cocked it. "Now who's the lucky winner?"

"Shoot one of them and I'll rip out your throat," I growled.

The man ignored me and waved the gun around. The flames inched closer to my family, What the hell do I do?!

Movement outside the window caught my attention. A man in black stood on the fire escape, watching the scene. Noticing that I was watching him, he turned away. He jumped off the fire escape and glided away, just like a bat.

"Time's up!"

One by one, the clown shot my family. I wriggled around, trying to get out of my bindings but only succeeded in giving myself rope burns.

Once the monster was done, we walked away. Leaving me alone in the fiery room with my dead family. I averted my eyes away from them, I couldn't look without being eaten alive by guilt.

By now, my shoes caught on fire, then it crept up my legs. It didn't stop until I was engulfed in flames. I let out an agonizing scream as the searing pain erupted through my body. I could feel my skin melting away.

With the blink of an eye, it stopped. Everything stopped. My eyes fluttered open, I was in a field. In front of me stood a boy, He had to be about 14 maybe 15. The boy looked as if he had been through hell. His greasy blonde hair reached to the top of his dirt stained tank top.

Without thinking, fire shot from my palm to his arm. The top of his tank caught on fire so he repeatedly smacked it. I turned and ran towards the woods.

Something caught onto my wrist, whirling me around. It was the same boy. "Joelle, calm down," he began with a soft voice. "It's just a dream."

I woke up to find my room covered in water. Peeling my sheets off of my skin, I sat up. My vision was fuzzy but I could make out a few figures in my room.

I recognized them as the random people I've been training with. In the doorway stood someone I've never seen before.

It was a woman in a lab coat. Seeing that white fabric infuriated me. Science was the reason I had these freakish abilities. Science is why I was abducted, why my family was murdered.

When she caught my gaze, I turned to the floor, staring at the puddles on the ground. "The room caught on fire while you were sleeping," the woman stated in a 'know at all' voice, "I assume you had a nightmare."

I nodded while splashing my foot in a puddle. "I'm having someone bringing new sheets. You can go back to bed once they're changed."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2016 ⏰

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